TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吴珊珊
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: 团队精神 责任心 和彼此信任
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: 复杂工作量大的
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 个人能力不能彰显可能会导致有些人丧失动力,也会有浑水摸鱼的情况出现
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 勤劳,很强的个人能力,
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
回答: 创造性的彰显个性的
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
回答: 会容易刚愎自用,不能全局考虑,欠周到
      With the development of society, there are various tasks .And to solve the problem , to face the challenge .There also two kinds of ways to finish the challenge work. As far as I am concerned , It is importance of working with a group people on a team, although working independently sometimes can be more creative and show the personalities.
     First, working with a group people on a team can create more than work alone.For instance , at the same conditions no matter how the person try ,one person only could do the work one person can do within an hour . But it would be comparative different if the ten person do within an hour ,the work the do could be added .It is obvious that a group person can do more than one person . In China a famous saying goes like that the three normal people can do better than Zhu Geliang who is the most entellgent people in Chinese history .
     Second ,working with a group people on a team can be less mistake than work indepently. Because one person just could the one aspect of the things,but if a group people working together they could get the different aspests of the thing could avoid the mistake made by one person. As a student , group work usually could do better job than work alone with others will check out the mistakes that the one could be see by themselves.
     Third, working with a group people on a team can be more interesting than work alone. For instance, when you compete a part of work , you can eaisly share the happiness with the other members ,if you work alone you could hard to find the one who can understand the joy about you.
     However , working alone sometimes can be more creative ,and work together could be drawback when someone in the group not have the responsibity. Take all into accout , Working together on a team still have lots of advatages ,with these the downsides can be secondary .
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