GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
Teachers' salaries should be based on the academic performance of their students. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 对于教师,他们的职责都有哪些?在教学过程中,这些职责通过哪些内容体现出来?请举例并简述。
回答: 教师的指责包括教育学生,关心学生身体健康,还有大学教师需要进行科学研究。 教育学生通过老师的教学方法,老师的知识水平和学生的成绩等方面体现。 研究通过老师的学术成果,和发表的论文体现
2. 学生成绩能否完全体现教师的表现是否合格?请分析并简述。
回答: 学生的成绩不能够完全体现老师的表现是否合格。 首先,老师的表现有很多方面,包括授课质量,疑难讲解还有研究水平,学生的成绩只能是老师的一个方面的体现。 其次,学生的成绩受到许多方面制约,比如学生的学习态度,努力程度,与学生的智力水平也有一定关系。
3. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对学生的学习会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
回答: 如果教师工资与学生成绩挂钩, 正面影响:老师会更加努力进行教学,对学生的问题认真指导,会努力完成教学任务。 负面影响:老师可能会采取一些非常手段,比如严厉批评,或者惩罚,不利于学生的身心健康。 并且学生水平不同,不一定成绩好老师的水平就高。
4. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对教师的行为会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
5. 如果让你去决定,那么教师的工资应该怎样核算?
Teachers' salaries should be based on the academic performance of their students.
Teachers are people who impart their knowledge to students, also they will try their best to do researches in their own fields. Thus the duty of a teacher should include the teacher's teaching ability, research ability and if a teacher cares about students. The academic performance of their students can partly show the teacher's ability. However, teachers' salaries should be based on other reasons rather than their students' academic performance. First of all, the academic performance of students cannot fully reflect their teachers abilities. There are many factors that reveal the teacher's abilities, such as if they can make academic products by doing researches. As a teacher's abilities are complex, it is unfair to decide the teacher's salary only by their students' academic performance. Also, many factors from students can have a great effect on their academic performance. It is obviously that there are differences between students. Some students are better while some are not. Some students may try their best to study. However, others may spare their time to play computer games. The teaching ability of a teacher is of great value for a students to be better performed. The key factor is from themselves. Imagining a student does not want to study, though he or she has a good teacher, without hard-working, the student cannot get good grades. In the contrary, if a student is intelligent and spare no effort in studies, he or she will surely perform well even though without a good teacher. Given the reasons above, we can easily conclude that as there are too many factors that will determine the performance of both a student and a teacher, we cannot easily use students' academic performance as the only factor to give teachers salaries. In addition, it is true that the performance of students will reflect some aspects of their teachers. Thus there are both advantages and disadvantages if teachers' salaries depend on the academic performance of students. If salaries are determined by the students' performance. a teacher will surely give useful guidance to students. Also, the teacher will provide students more information to make students more developed. However, the teachers maybe try their best to make their students perform better by every mean. It is possibly that they punish their students if they cannot get good grades. For example, our high school has a policy that students' performances is a factor that determine a teacher's salary. Thus our teacher always punish students when we are late for school or we cannot get good grades. Sometimes our teacher punish students by letting them standing for a whole morning only because the students are late in the morning. It is not good for students' mental health if punishments are present in schools. In summary, if there is relationships between teachers' salaries and students' academic performance, teachers may try best to teach students in order to get better paid. However, the disadvantages of this relation seems unavoidable. Because a teacher's abilities cannot only judged by students' performance, it is not proper to use students performances to determine teachers' salaries. 
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