GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
Some people believe that scientific discoveries have given us a much better understanding of the world around us. Others believe that science has revealed to us that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious"。题目讨论科学发现对世界的理解的影响问题(更好理解和更加复杂两种观点)。在分析的过程中,可以从科学发现的目的、具体情况、事物变化的具体形式、更好理解和更加复杂之间的关系、导致这一情况的各种因素、不同领域不同问题的分情况考虑等方面展开思考。可以通过直接和间接影响、静态和动态区别、个例和整体情况来扩展思路。
1. 请举例并对比:在现在和以前,某一领域中对于某项任务的情况有哪些不同。
回答: 对于农业来讲,产量上升了
2. 科学发现对于理解世界存在哪些帮助?请举例并分析。
回答: 探索外空,地球或许并不是宇宙中唯一存在生命的个体
3. 因为科学发现的进步,世界变得更加复杂神秘的原因有哪些?(例如:早年生物学只要对动植物进行观察,而随着发展,生物学研究已经深入到DNA、RNA)
回答: 1.实物本身就繁琐复杂2.研究的单位细微化,例如粒子,3
4. 世界变简单和变得复杂神秘是否仅存在简单的对立关系?请分析并简述。
回答: 并不存在简单地对应关系,看待实物的角度不同,简单性和复杂性就不同
5. 世界变得复杂神秘是否就能说明科学发现的进步没有好处?对世界理解的进步是否要以复杂程度为标准?
回答: 不能说明,因为科学也使一些方法变简单,世界进步应理解为微观的复杂与宏观的简单
Some people believe that scientific discoveries have given us a much better understanding of the world around us. Others believe that science has revealed to us that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized.
With the development of sociaty, new technology were uesd in woking process. innovations have been made around us almost every moment, which means that the worlo we llive in this second is fifferent from the world we live in the next second. This made prople get trouble in keeping up the speed that the wrold changes, which is known as the difficulty to understanding the complex world. The harder we tried the more troubles we will meet to get to know the world in next second. As long as I concerned although we may feel unplesent about the continue changing world, we will find a way figuer this out.
Thanks to the reaper, famers save a lot of time to read and learn. This is part of what scientific discoveries brimg us, to make our life easier than before. But human kind is never satisfied. We keep king a even more efficient way to help us reap rice. we do researches, learn new knowledges, try ewperiment, which bring us more difficultiees to find the perfent one. But as last, we maybe only make a so small progerssion that even bring us more frustrations. At this moment, we find that the world is infinitely more complex than we ever realized, just because we want more. The good thing is that we never give up.
As William Shakespeare once said, do not. for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. We are the oldest species in the world. During the several thousands of years we always try our best to start woth something new. So big changes happened around us without realization. Think about several years before, people used stones to get their food. Constract to nowdays, it is so convinient for us that we only need to make a phone call, which is the feat of the internet. With sceientific innovations we live a better life and know more about the world. People have no idea about ET until recent years, that makes us realized that maybe earth is not the only planet that have living things. Because we want to know more detiles of this, we try to make sceientific disconveries which help us get more proof to undertand the world better.
There is no contraversry that with complexity of the world we can not get a better unserstanding of the world.  As long as we keep trying and do our best to find the real meaning of the world, there will be fewer question left, though nobady knows when is the time.
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