GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lhzm
The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE142原题。题目讨论社会繁荣问题,题目认为社会繁荣的增强与公民对权威的质疑相关。本题和老GRE中的ISSUE105--"The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from it's own citizens"有相似之处。在分析的过程中,可以从社会繁荣的体现、民众对权威提出质疑的目的和形式、权威本身的职责以及对待民众质疑的应有态度、权威与民众互动的过程和社会繁荣之间的关系等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举三个国家的发展情况,简述并对比那些国家里的民众对权威的态度。
回答: 朝鲜,government of coercion, 人们对政府对领导绝对尊敬,社会发展缓慢;HongKong 廉政公署,可以直接监督行政长官,人们对官员经常否认批判→亚洲金融中心;一些欧洲富裕国家,民众经常上街游行反对政府的某项政策,而事实是这些社会高福利,发达程度较高
2. 民众对权威的质疑为一个社会的繁荣给予了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 民众的质疑表达了民众的心声,可以为政府更好地制定政策提供帮助,eg:上街游行抗议油价上涨,说明油价上涨给很多人带来不好的方面,促使当权者想办法更好地控制油价;学术上,质疑权威,可以促进科学进步,促使大牛检查自己的理论不完善之处,同时也可以激发新的理论eg: 但是同时,质疑权威,造成社会没有一个强有力的领导核心,在出现紧急情况时,容易造成社会混乱,eg:Egypt,反对党质疑当权者,反动,出现自然灾害时,不能很好应对。
3. 权威受到民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
4. 权威不接受民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
5. 民众、权威、社会繁荣三者之间存在着怎样的关系?请举例并简述。
6. 除了“许多民众开始质疑权威”,哪些其他情况同样可以提升社会的繁荣?这些情况和“许多民众开始质疑权威”相比,在提升社会繁荣的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
The authority of a society is responsible for the welfares of its citizens, and thus its ultimate goal should be to help the public to solve their urgent problems rather than to suppress the populations. Conrespondingly, allowing its civilians to question the authoriy itself is a signal of recgnizing the authority's destiny. Only through facing with the problems its citizens propose, can the officials discovery the flaws in the regulations and then endeavor to make them better suitable to the society. So I agree that in most cases the claim is proper.
If the authority does not allow its citizens to question the laws, measures and established rules, there may be few original ideas and thus little progress in the society, for the reason that all people are qualified by the strict rules. What happens in Korea suitably illerstrats the idea: in Korea, all regulations and laws are promulgated by the government and permit no resistance and even reluctance to follow them and the economy and cultural development is hence worried, for the fact that all songs and literatures are to extol the leaders of the nation. In contrast, HongKong, where all people can ask the leaders fierce questions freely, and they even errect a special section for the public to send the information about their dissatisfactory aspects of the authorial actions.
The reason why allowing the public to question the authority can be a indication of the enhancement of the society may lies in the reason why people ask questions and what the questions function on the road to a better community. Most, if not all, question the authority not because they are anarchonists and willing to overturn the government but because they want their voice to be heared, their porblems to be solved, and their interests to be considered when measures are carried out. For example, homosexual persons demonstrate outside the official buildings to arouse the awearness of both leaders and public to protect their rights in the law, not to make the learders who neglect their existence step down. Through such demonstrations, laws can be emended to protect the social justice.
Admittedly, there are some cases in which the questioning of the public can bring disadvantages and even disasters for the society. Take Egypt for example, being long under a tumult society without a stable goverment, people there has become skeptic to any authority, subsequently, several govenments all fails to endure  to uniform the country, leaving the country's economy and social development unrealistic.Additionaly, when natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and droughts, or the erruption of fatal diseases, the most essential thing for all the people is to unite together to solve the urgent catastrophes, not to question whether the measures are suitable for the situation, since all measures are not perfect and if all come to sit down to find a impecable solutions, the result can be really a disaster.
Despite the special situations mentioned above, in most common societies, questioning the authority can be benificial for both the public and the government, and the further development of the society.
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