TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:michaelspr
What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
1. 你有没有遇到过自己心目中的好老板?他是什么样的?
回答: as I am a student so I do not have any boss yet , but I have many good teachers in schools. they share some common characristics such as with sweat temper, lots of knowledge and have a sense of humor broad-minded nodoubtably kaifu li must be a good supervisor
2. 如果你没有遇到过自己满意的老板,你觉得那些不合格的老板都有什么不足?
3. 老板身上不好的品质对你、其他员工以及整个公司造成了什么问题?
When asked what qualities are important to a particular social role, some basic questions should be figured out. What are the goals and responsibilities . And how can he achieve his goals or taken his responsibilities sucessfully. In this issue the role is a supervisor. Obviously the goal of a supervisor is through managing his employees to maximize the profits of the enterprize. In order to achieve the goal, the supervisor need be wise enough to judge what is beneficial to the enterprize, while what is not; and also the supervisor need have a sweat temper to have the employees work in a harmonious atmespher , thus the employees can work with more passion; third not the last a boss need be broad-minded he can respect different ideas thus some great ideas can be founded .
As a supervisor, one need make many decisions eveyday, among which some are siginificant to the profits of the enterprizes so , considering this, definitely a supervisor should be wise enough to make jugements on what to do and how to do can contribute to improvements of th eenterprises. Being wise here means that a supervisor is sensitive to the various information ,such as social, political, scientific , internal and so on , related to the function of the enteprize and  make accruate reaction to the change. My then supervisor kaifu Li is such a leader. One day he noticed a piece of news saying that some laws on qualifying the usage of fossil fuel had be passed. After analysising enough information, he decided to make some technical changes on engines of the cars the company are designing. And later the sales proved it is quite a great decision. On the contrary, our competing companies did not make such changes thus lost much market. In short what a supervisor to a company is what a beacon to boat.
A sweat temper of a leader plays a role on the function of a enterprise. A enterprise is a organization which has its own structure of which the most part is employees. How is the employee doing has a vital influence on the enterprise. Passion is essential to employees. The sweat temper of a leader will let the employees feel they are being respected and can give them a kind of sense of security, resulting in envoking the passion of the imployees. While a bad tempter can discourage the employees. Here is a good example. Jobos, the leader of Apple Company, who used to be very arrogant and always scold the employees, which resulted in the decrease of the sales in 1990s.
Thirdly, a supervisor should be broad-minded and respect noval ideas. The present society is such anvanced that many great changes can occur everyday. If a person or enterprise can not make corresponding chang, one cannot adapt to the society. In order to face the challenges sucessfully the leaders should have enough solutions, which means that the supersivor should respect new ideas coming from the employees. This requires a broad mind. In real society , we can find that many boss ,who are narrow , just believes their own opinions and overlooks other's views, leading to lose many chances to make change to aviod failing to survive. On the contrary, some supervisors are quite broad-minded that they can consider the new ideas from the employees and judge what really will make sense. Michael, a friend of mine is a typical example. One day one of employees reported that nowadays students are more likely to study on the internet and suggested they can be the first to make this service and will bring great benifits. Michael gather experts to discuss this and in the end they did it. And this service is quite popular.
In short, wise, sweat temper and broad mind are three qualities  important to a supersivisor. However owning this qualities do not necessarily means that one can be a good supervisor. Well there are many factors contribute to being a good supervisor such as patient, a sense of humor and so on.
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