TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:恭の喜Grand
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你平常在家吃饭还是在外面餐馆吃饭?
回答: 我喜欢在家吃饭
2. 在家吃饭有什么好处?有什么不便?
回答: 好处: 1,在家吃饭比较随意,可以在饭桌上吃,也可以在茶几上吃,如果比较懒的人还可以在床上吃,找自己最舒服的姿势吃饭。 2.在家吃饭比较省钱,成本比较低。比如一盘水果沙拉,在家准备成本只有几元钱,在餐馆吃就要付10几元钱。 不便: 在家吃比较费时间,准备一顿很丰盛的饭需要花费几个小时。
3. 在餐馆吃饭有什么好处?有什么坏处?
回答: 好处: 1、比较方便,点完菜后,可以利用等菜的时间看看书或是和朋友聊聊天,很轻松。 2、吃完不用收拾。 坏处: 1、饭馆的菜都是固定搭配,可能对一道菜中的某个原料不喜欢吃,去掉又改变的了味道,不能随意搭配。
As modern society develops, people will pay more attention to their diet in their daily life.  At this time, food supply becomes an essential part of people's life, and this is where the controversy arises.  Some believe that it is of great  benefit to eat at food stands or restaurants.  Meanwhile, those who strongly disagree with it cite that eat food at home is more comfortable.  From my own perspective, the latter one is more favorable.
The first reason I want to put forward is that it can build a closer connection within family members, especially between adults with their children.  As is known to all, the generation gap has become such a severe problem within almost every family, which undoubtely will lead to the frequent misunderstanding of parents and children, hurting each other's feelings. When parents and children could prepare to the meal together, it can be the best communication tool.  The parents can teach the children how to cook as a essential life instinct.  Most importantly, the children will aware of how tired their parents cooking after work.  In this way, the gap between parents and children is to be narrowed, which will surely result in a harmonious atmosphere within families and a choser relationship among family members.  This is what both parents and children desire most.
Another important reason that cannot be ignored is that eating at food stands or restaurants is more expensive than eating food at home.  It is not enable to afford for everyone.  For example,  the cost of a dish of fruit salad is maybe severl.  Eating at home we can save the money to buy more books or donate them for the person who need help.  But if we eat at stands or restaurants, we will pay more money to the stands just only for a dish of fruit salad.  The money which is saved from restaurants could buy lots of the fruit or vegetable in the market.  This example gives us a full understanding of the fact that how cheaper eating at home than eating at restaurants.
However, the negative aspects cannot be left out even though tremendous benefits eat at home.  In this era of social development leading to boost people's contention to the time.  From prepare the meal to accomplish it, there must be need  plenty time to do it especially for a person after working.  We could use the time to read or talk with friends, and so on.
With all the reason explained about, it is apparent to draw the conclusion that eat food at home is more better than eat at food stands or restaurants.  If people wish to live longer, perhaps they should take more exercises and ask the expert of nutrition how to cook meals and match food in right ways at home.  Only in this way can we eat more and more with all of our families.
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