TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:露米娅
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 刚刚大学毕业,团队活动,小组共同完成,教会我如何合作大一些的项目,也有更大的挫折
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 自学,阅读,为人处事的经验
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
回答: 知识面,人际交往面
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
回答: 学校毕竟是学校,不是社会。很多历练还是从入职开始的
Whether great contribution to a certain field do not account significantly by their educational requirement, but it still affect millions of foci on the university problems. The slogan which always take us to gate of university even the majority of  students never consider whether or not should they keep staying or simply quit the student life. This is not to say of course that there shouldn't be requirement, but they should be considering more with the importance of the university.
The true thing is almost  all the high school students will choose to go to university, because  there is several key facter for going to university. A quick reflection on a typical day reveals our society accept educational degree as a main facter to choose new employee. The graduate student follow the most powerful weapon to get their future job. In fact, merely a diploma is far more enough not only they are needed at a top achool, but also need to accompany a great GPA score. With the increasing demand for all above, university bacome extremly popular for all the students.
In contrast to the statement, we can even see university cannot testify all the student learn what is necessary or even suitable. Consider how the university divide student into different department, sometime is not so logical for the student, because they only offer their score and dreaming major, the final decision is made by school. So the worse consequence happen is they cannot take the major they really want. And besides this, there are so many excellent person successed without high certification or sometime without any certification.
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