TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:xinxinran
【IBT机经-11】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.
为了更好地理解题目,不妨把它划分为三个小单元“the effective leader(有效的领导者)”、“others(其他人)”、“part of a decision(决策的一部分)”,不难看出题目要讨论的是一名有效领导者的重要表现是让他人参与到决策中来。解决这个题目的突破点在于:1、了解一个有效的领导者应具备的重要素质;2、参与决策过程的人数多少和领导的有效与否之间的联系。
1. 请结合实际谈谈一个领导者应该具备哪些重要素质?其中,哪些素质决定了他(她)成为一名有效的领导者?
回答: My friend Ying is born to be a monitor.During her whole student time she was always the monitor in classes.She is efficient,the math teacher told her to solve a very difficult math question is just one day.She could find all the similar questions and solve them,then summary the methods and final solve the one which teacher gave her.She is good at listening to others and very careful to everything.
2. 请结合实际谈谈制定决策对于领导全局的重要地位是什么?一个科学合理的决策的制定应该考虑哪些因素?
回答: A leader will gather the powerful ideas and push the decision to be acceptable to everyone in the team.He will balance the conflict among people.For example,when I am in an Internet company.As the company is very young and lack of experience, my boss is not very satisfied with the rules in our company because of the common phenomenon.As a result,the leader of our team hired a human resource from the other company which is not a relation with Internet at all just because of their friendship.A month later,new rules says work overtime is not a reasonable thing so that there would be no money about any overtime work hours. Not even a signal person was not satisfied with it because we must according to the TV time synchron the Internet in very soon.The HR didn't know our circumstance at all so the rule is not fair to our effort.
3. 让其他人参与到决策中来一定会提高领导的有效性吗?会不会因为参与人数的增加而延长决策的耗时,导致领导有效性的降低?请结合具体事例来简述。
回答: Every single people is considerable of themselves of cause the process.On the other hand,it will be the most scientific decision because of letting everyone enjoy the progress.That will be a very deep expression in heart.
4. 一名领导者的有效性还表现在其他哪些方面?有没有事例证明即使只有少数人在决策,该领导者仍然是有效力的呢?
回答: Aged leader will always know what people needs.That's the most important reason when there are just a few people make a decision for the majority.These leader will comfort others just when he make the decision.
5. 请结合具体事例来说明共同参与到决策中来对于大家来说会有哪些影响呢?
回答: Ying在新的的班级规章制度的制定时,发动了班级里的大多数人参与进来。对于自习课期间到底是否允许相互交谈展开了讨论,因为有时候学生间的讨论并不是平常的聊天,而是题目的讨论和交流,如果武断禁止无疑是不科学的方法。最后经过大家的讨论得出了一致的结论,如果你需要讨论一些什么问题,需要你与同学走到门外的走廊上讨论,当时仍旧需要保持教室内部的安静。这样一来,每个人参与讨论而制定的规章制度是人们心里接受度比较高的,因此在执行上也更容易得到所有人的配合。
An effective leader will be obviously efficient about execution.And a good leader will always considered about the whole team instead of himself.When I had an internship in the website Qunar,I met Yue for the first time who is the top leader of our team.He is a well-kinded man with respect from nearly the whole company.When dinner time,he would always lead all of us to find some good place to eat.Years later I learned that he was promoting the team coherent during the dinner time.He was also full of abilities to solve all kinds of problems.He insisted everyone to attend all the team meeting for all the time.What's the point is that all the ideas of our app were came from the chamber within everyone's idea in it.In this way,we made the decisions for nearly every time.As the only intern in the team,I felt respectful. Not all the decisions are appropriate to discuss by more people.For instance,after finishing the decorating of the new house grandparents needed to set a date to move in.When my whole family got together to discuss about it,oh my god,they never focused on the dates but food,films,travel and so on.Some days later,grandparents just moved in the new house with the help of remover. My point is that discuss based on the similar cultural backgrounds and the shared aims as it is in a company or a team.If we need to talk about some ideas in work,more workmates will give more answers by the difference cultural background or experiences which enrich the view of the whole thing.In this way,maybe a perfect idea just stand there.Conversely,the same question such as what do you think about iPhone will have very contrary answers when you ask the hobos,students,workers concern about internet or anyone you want. So in conclusion,making every one feel they have been part of a decision will be a effective and well-kinded leader.Not only increase the coherent of the whole team but improve the efficiency of the whole team which leads more benefit.I will like leaders like this.
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