TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 描述一件你的父母对你的教育中你印象最深的事情,你从中得到了什么?
回答: 父母生活很节俭,无论是穷苦的时候,还是小康的时候,一直很节俭,所以当我浪费的时候,我爸爸会教训我
2. 描述一件你觉得你的父母说的不对的事情,为什么不对?
回答: 妈妈总是把钱看的很重要,我觉得钱不是那么重要
3. 有没有一些事是你的父母不可能教给你的?例如如何完成数学作业。
回答: 有,课业上的问题,他们基本上都不会教我
4. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。
回答: 老师,小时候作弊,被老师抓住了,经教育,我长大以后一直没敢作弊 同学,用她的工作经验告诉我,现在社会有多复杂
5. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?
回答: 沟通,帮他们刷新老思想
There is no doubt that parents, more or less, have influence on their children. However, hardly can one says that all the effects are positive. So when it comes to the argument that whether parents are the best teacher of children, i should say no.   At first, i should acknowledge that parents are the first teacher of their children. As everybody knows, children, especially at very age before going to school, always treat their parents as examples, even as idols. So parents are somebody who give their children the first lesson. 
However, as children grow up, they slowly find that their parents cannot help them with everything. For example, when children meet some problems in the homework, seldom exist parents who can solve all the problems in every course. Taking the social development into consideration, what parents learned in their ages is totally different form what children study today. So at the level of study, parents cannot be the best teacher.
When it comes to the level of life, i should say parents cannot be the best teacher neither. No one can be perfect. Parents' merits, of course, can have an positive effect on their children. But at the same time, it is unavoidable for children to continue their parents' flaws without other people's correction. What is more, Parent always like to push their children to achieve some goals which they did not achieve in their days. Maybe they think, according to their help, this way can be easier for their children to continue. Actually, Parents' dream may not be children's. So sometimes, parents' love turns out to be harmful to children's growth.  Finally, nowadays, parents are very busy with their work and do not have so much time on their children even if they want to. So, all in all, they cannot be the best teacher of children.
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