GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:alex_338
Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE242"Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial wellbeing"。题目讨论社会对物种保护的责任问题,对比挽救物种和投入的人力、时间和财力之间的关系。话题和分析都比较简单,可以从物种保护必要性、社会责任、实际可行性等角度展开分析,然后将彼此衔接起来。需要注意两个关键词“ every ”、“ endangered”。同时也需要注意的是,本题很容易些写成类似ARGUMENT的分析,那样就偏离了要求——分析ISSUE TOPICE的时候,找出逻辑框架,在框架之内展开自己的分析,而不是ARGUMENT中对原有逻辑推理的分析。
1. 请分别列举几种“已灭绝的物种”、“濒危物种”、“暂时没有灭绝危险的物种”。
回答: 已灭绝的物种:大海雀。大海雀是大西洋海雀科中唯一不会飞的物种,它一直幸存到近代,但目前却宣称灭绝。它又被称为大海燕或企鹅。大海雀高75厘米(3-34英寸),体重为5公斤,它们是体型最大的海雀物种。皮毛平滑光泽,颜色呈黑白相间,在过去,大海雀主要出现于加拿大东部岛屿、格陵兰岛、冰岛、挪威、爱尔兰和英国,但最终由于过度捕猎导致大海雀灭绝。值得一提的是,14世纪时居民在美国佛罗里达州垃圾箱中竟然发现了大海雀的尸体,由此证明大海雀在冬天偶尔会冒险向南迁移。 濒危物种:考拉:干燥的天气、砍伐森林、全球变暖等因素,使得考拉的主食——桉树叶子的营养价值直线下降,导致考拉们营养不良。基金会首席发言人底波拉说:“如果继续砍伐树木,澳大利亚将没有任何的树袋熊。” 暂时没有灭绝的物种:人。。。
2. 动植物物种对人类社会有什么意义?是否所有动植物物种都具有相同价值?请举例并简述。
回答: 首先,生物多样性为我们提供了食物、纤维、木材、药材和多种工业原料。我们的食物全部来源于自然界,维持生物多样性,我们的食物品种会不断丰富。人民的生活质量会不断提高,从温饱型向小康型转变。 (2) 生物多样性还在保持土壤肥力、保证水质以及调节气候等方面发挥了重要作用。黄河流域曾是我们中华民族的摇篮,在几千年以前,那里还是一片十分富饶的土地。树木林立,百花芬芳,各种野生动物四处出没。但由于长期的战争及人类过度地开发利用,这里已变成生物多样性十分贫乏的地区,到处是黄土荒坡,遇到刮风的天气便是飞沙走石,沙漠化现象十分严重。近年来由于人工植树,大搞"三北防护林"工程,生物多样性得到了一定程度的恢复,沙漠化进程得到了抑制,森林覆盖率逐年上升,环境不断得到改善。 (3) 生物多样性在大气层成分、地球表面温度、地表沉积层氧化还原电位以及PH值等方面的调控方面发挥着重要作用。例如,现在地球大气层中的氧气含量为21%,供给我们自由呼吸,这主要应归功于植物的光合作用。在地球早期的历史中,大气中氧气的含量要低很多。据科学家估计,假如断绝了植物的光合作用,那么大气层中的氧气,将会由于氧化反应在数千年内消耗殆尽。 (4) 生物多样性的维持,将有益于一些珍稀濒危物种的保存。我们都知道,任何一个物种一旦灭绝,便永远不可能再生。今天仍生存在我们地球上的物种,尤其是那些处于灭绝边缘的濒危物种,一旦消失了,那么人类将永远丧失这些宝贵的生物资源。而保护生物多样性,特别是保护濒危物种,对于人类后代,对科学事业都具有重大的战略意义。 生物多样性:biodiversity/biological diversity
3. 如果放任不管,任由物种灭绝,将会导致什么样的后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 黄河流域曾是我们中华民族的摇篮,在几千年以前,那里还是一片十分富饶的土地。树木林立,百花芬芳,各种野生动物四处出没。但由于长期的战争及人类过度地开发利用,这里已变成生物多样性十分贫乏的地区,到处是黄土荒坡,遇到刮风的天气便是飞沙走石,沙漠化现象十分严重。
4. 在社会挽救物种的过程中,都有哪些情况需要消耗人力、时间和财力?是如何消耗的?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 为物种提供模拟性能良好的野生环境,需要大量高科技技术,故必然导致大量对技术开发的投资。加大宣传力度,培养民众保护动植物的意识,需要长时间的进行教育与引导。
5. 面对“物种对人类的意义和价值”、“物种灭绝的可能后果”以及“挽救物种可能付出的代价”,社会应当如何衡量利弊?在此过程中应起到什么作用?
回答: 虽然物种一旦灭绝永远不可能再出现,但是自然界也有优胜劣汰这样千古不变的法则。人类最应该做的是尽量不去影响动物的发展,对于已经暂时失去生存能力的物种,人类应该妥善帮助它们尽快回归大自然。否则如果物种大量灭绝,造成食物链破坏,将会对整个生物圈造成重大影响,进而必将威胁人类自身的发展
Whether society should try its best to solve the threatence of endangerment of species, someone insists society to do so, whereas others consider it may be unnecessary under some special circumstances. I can absolutely understand the eagerness and conpathation of former speakers to protect every species. As far as I am concerned, however, the latter viewers is more reasonable.
Admittedly, some species will be save from the edge of disappearing by the expence from society. Pandas, for example, can illustrate the benefit of it. Because of their cute shape and attractive color of fur, pandas appeal worldwild tourists. However, they are gradually insuitable for  living without human's help in modern day due to the incresing destrution of their habitat and the derease of their food supply. Thus, without the expense to human, we will have to say goodbye to this attrative species.
However, I disagree to the extent that the consideration of saving every plant and animal species is obviously unreasonable. According to Darwin's discipline, some species who fail in the competition with other species will be indispensably ousted from the natural world. Thus if the intermediation of people is activated to avoid the tragedy of these species, the circulation of ecosytesm will be changed unnaturally. Moreover, these rushly action may even endanger the benifit of human self.
Finally, I concede that it is also significant for our government to solve the immediate problem of its people like hungry, unemployment, illness and so on. If the demand of material life is satisfied, people will consequently abandon the behavior, such as overriding hunting, destroying environment to make benefit and polluting water. Making no extraordinary efforts does not mean making no efforts. Through the way illustrated above, our society can save endangered species indirectly but helpfully.
In conclusion, without the expense to humans in some crucial fields like effort, time and the like, some species will inevitablty disappear for good. However, It cannot be a convinceable reason to enduce our society to protect every species. 
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