GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE242"Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial wellbeing"。题目讨论社会对物种保护的责任问题,对比挽救物种和投入的人力、时间和财力之间的关系。话题和分析都比较简单,可以从物种保护必要性、社会责任、实际可行性等角度展开分析,然后将彼此衔接起来。需要注意两个关键词“ every ”、“ endangered”。同时也需要注意的是,本题很容易些写成类似ARGUMENT的分析,那样就偏离了要求——分析ISSUE TOPICE的时候,找出逻辑框架,在框架之内展开自己的分析,而不是ARGUMENT中对原有逻辑推理的分析。
1. 请分别列举几种“已灭绝的物种”、“濒危物种”、“暂时没有灭绝危险的物种”。
回答: 已灭绝的物种: 恐龙 剑齿虎 猛犸象 树懒 濒危物种:东北虎 丹顶鹤 大熊猫 暂时没有灭绝危险的物种:苍蝇 蚊子 老鼠 麻雀 狼 狗熊
2. 动植物物种对人类社会有什么意义?是否所有动植物物种都具有相同价值?请举例并简述。
回答: 动植物物种 对于人类社会是一个天然宝库 对寻找治疗一些不治之症的药物极其有帮助 比如治疗癌症 一些从植物中提取出来的物质 就是治疗癌症的特效药 不是 有一些物种 价值小 一些价值大 比如 大熊猫 就是活化石 而麻雀就是一种常见的鸟类 价值相对来说就小一些。
3. 如果放任不管,任由物种灭绝,将会导致什么样的后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 会造成物种多样性的下降 我们并没有发掘和利用其本身的价值 而这种物种就灭绝了 比如 大熊猫 灭绝了 小朋友想见一见活着的大熊猫长成什么样 没地见 只能看看书本上的图片 而且 大熊猫之所称为是活化石 因为 他是和恐龙处于同一时代的 而恐龙早已灭绝 大熊猫却一直存活到现在 这本身就是一个奇迹 这对研究 物种演变 生物进化 非常有价值的。
4. 在社会挽救物种的过程中,都有哪些情况需要消耗人力、时间和财力?是如何消耗的?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 东北虎 是濒临灭绝的动物 就得建造虎园 来人工繁殖东北虎 饲养员 从小就得照顾小东北虎 生病了 得打针 大了还得对其做 野化训练 光喂东北虎所消耗的肉钱 这一块 一年就不是小数目 从幼虎到可以进行野外放生训练 就的很长时间,国家 在保护东北虎上花费很大。
5. 面对“物种对人类的意义和价值”、“物种灭绝的可能后果”以及“挽救物种可能付出的代价”,社会应当如何衡量利弊?在此过程中应起到什么作用?
回答: 在社会资源允许范围 对人类有重要价值的物种 一定要保护 防止它灭绝 在社会资源不是很充足时 一些没有多少价值的物种灭绝 属于自然规律 没必要付出极大代价来挽救这些物种 社会在此过程中应起引导作用 判断哪些该保护 那些不该保护。
Coincidental with many species facing the danger of extinction is the natural environment being damaged. The society should learn to justify which species should be protected and which species should not be protected: if the social resource is sufficient, we must try to protect the valued species for human beings and prevent from being extinct. In the contrast, if the social resource is limited, we need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species which has little value because it is the natural law. The importance of species diversity to the human society makes people have a growing appreciation, but not all the species have the equal value. The animal and plant is a natural medicinal factory of human society. It is very useful to seek medicine to remedy some diseases which human beings have no solutions to cure. Such as, the materials that are extracted from the some plants are the best medicine to cure some censor. However, different species have different values. The panda is the national treasure. Because it is the live fossil. But the pigeons are the common bird and its value is less than panda. If the society does nothing and make the species extinct, it will lead to the heavy result. It genders the decreasing of species diversity. And we do not excavate and use the value of some species but they do not exist. Supposing the panda becomes extinct, the pupils want to see the live panda but there is no place to see panda expect for the pictures of the book. Besides, the panda is called the live fossil because it is the same time with the dinosaur. Actually, the dinosaurs have been already extinct but the panda is still alive until now. The panda is a legend so that it has a great value to study the change of species and the evolution of species.     The society spends a deal of human force, time and financial support in saving the endangered species. The DongBei Tiger provides a case for this. Society needs to build a park for DongBei Tiger. The worker attends the tiger from the tiger was born, takes the tiger to the doctor when it is ill and trains the tigers to survive in the wild mountains when the tiger becomes an adult. The money is only spent on the meat not a small number in one year. It is a long time ranging from the birth of tiger to the training of surviving in the wild mountains. So the society costs a huge number of money in saving the Dongle Tiger.     In a sum, society should learn to justify which species should be protected and which species should not be protected: if the social resource is sufficient, we must try to protect the valued species for human beings and prevent them from begin extinct. In the contrast, if the social resource is limited, we need to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species which has little value because it is the natural law. 
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