GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:韩煦
Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1. 对于社会和国家来说,教育的目标是什么(你所定义的目标不同,“有用”的概念就不同)?这个目标的制定需要考虑哪些因素?个人的需求和兴趣是否在这些因素之内?请举例说明。
回答: 培养人才,为国家和社会发展做出贡献。教育体制,施教方式,学生的接受能力。是的,如高考填报志愿。
2. 你希望通过教育得到什么?其他人的想法和你的是否一致?如果不一致,教育如何才能满足大众的需求?请举例说明。
回答: 得到生存、学习、运用知识的能力。有的不一致。多元化的设计,努力满足所有需求。如普通生、 艺术生、体育生的不同培养。
3. 教育按照对象不同可以分为哪些类别?这些类别的教育目标是否相同?如果不是,他们是否都需要考虑每一个学生的个人需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 初等教育、高等教育等。不同。不都需要。如初等教育是一元化的教育,高等教育则需要多元化。
4. 教育按照不同的形式可以分为哪些类别?不同形式的教育是否都需要考虑每个学生的需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 理论教学、实践等。不是。理论教学多无差别,实践则需根据实际情况有所不同。
5. 如果教育按照每个人的需求和兴趣来制定有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:可以培养出多元化的人才,学生对学习和将来工作的热情也会更强。弊端:对于教育方案制定造成困难,需要教师和主管部门投入更多精力财力和人力。
    I strongly agree with the speaker that education should meet each student's own needs and interests to make itself effective. Since a student is almost the same as another when they both first go to school, they need different education to set them apart.
    Why should they be different? It's quite a normal thought that nobody wants to be other's copy, so they definitely don't want to graduate from school just like anyone else. Education is the only thing that every student accepts which puts them into different dies and helps them grow up to be excellent graduates. Education is a system aiming at promoting students' abilities of all aspects so as to equip them with knowledge and experience for various social jobs. For this reason we may find many successful individuals unique who play active roles in various fields.
    Then how does education make an influence on each student? As most teachers and headmasters would agree, the sole purpose of education is to build a student's values of his own, aside from just pouring knowledge into his brain. Those values actually have different meanings in particular fields such as culture, art, politics, philosophy,etc. And those meanings also have different reflection upon each one's brain. So the only effective way of education is to give students opportunities to think all by themselves and face knotty problems then come up with a useful solution to that trouble. It is education that should and could teach students how to think critically and effectively.
    Even though I put much emphasis on personal thinking, however, the necessity of generality and cooperation cannot be covered. More often than not, humans, as typical social animals, work or live as a group other than alone, so we have to learn how to work with others or obey the leader's commands to get things done. If one evades cooperating with the others, he can be set aside with no concern of his opinions which may go right where the point is.
     To sum up, the most effective education must give students personal designs to help build many unique talented persons, while it should also teach them to be a little smooth and capable of getting a board together.
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