IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:IrisWu
Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
1. 你去过哪些博物馆?
回答: 我去过自然博物馆,历史博物馆,艺术博物馆
2. 这些博物馆有什么特点?给你的感觉是什么?
回答: 这些博物馆中的展品非常多,展品的历史年代很久远,这些博物馆都利用了高科技来展现文化的发展历程,从而取代了传统方式
3. 如果博物馆变得更时尚更具有娱乐性,这有什么好处和弊端?
回答: 好处:1:会有更多的人来参观博物馆,增加博物馆的收入,从而更好地建设和维护博物馆的正常运作。2:来参观的人可以通过更好的方式拓宽自己的视野,学习到更多的知识。 弊端:1:来参观的人只顾着娱乐,排斥学知识。2:博物馆缺少应有的严肃性 3:会花费博物馆大量的经费去追逐时尚和娱乐效果
4. 你认为博物馆应该具备怎样的功能?
回答: 1:利用高科技手段让人们最快最有效地学习知识。2:寓教于乐,在人们放松娱乐的同时又能学到东西。 3:定期组织活动进行历史教育
In the present age, the issues of aims of museums are playing increasingly significant roles in contemporary society.But in the meantime, whether the museums should educate people instead of entertaining has sparked much debate.Some individuals assert that the aim of museums is education ,while many others argue that the function of museums is entertainment.Personally, I am favor of the former view.
Convincing arguments can be made that it is a good learning style of going to museums. To start with, no matter the old or young feel like going to museums ,since they can widen their horizons and enrich their personalities. The old people would remember the past , while the young people can learn new knowledge. Therefore, they can extend knowledge beyond books. For instance, when they visit history museum, they will study historical knowledge as well as the process of human development. When they come to nature museum, they will see the phenomenon of nature. Moreover, visitors get a truly immersive experience so that they can understand knowledge on a practical level. Specifically, although we learn theory from books at school in most cases, learning through  going to museums give access to practice. It help us attach importance to combining theories with practice and cultivate better understanding for us. Lastly, museums tend to cultivate and guide visitors' interest. For example, we are easily attracted by works of art when we visit art museums. It can help us cultivate our interest of art and artistic sentiment. 
Admittedly, some people insist that the main purpose of museums is entertaining,it makes some sense. The reason for this is that entertainment can create economic values. Obviously, if museums provide more entertainment items, visitors can be fulfilled with relaxation when they feel tired. Especially for children, parents are always very lavish to his children with money, the income of museums will rise with it. 
In summary, I would concede that museums have certain effect on entertainment. Despite that the main function of museums is education.Overall, I am convinced that the aim of museums is educating. 
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