GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:帝江
The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论科技发展目标以及发展结果的问题。和这道题目很相似的是老GRE中的ISSUE124 "Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportationall of these recent developments are designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before"。前半部分是个大家熟悉的命题,赞成和反对都容易展开;后半句将提高效率与更多休闲时间进行联系,可以从二者的因果关系以及必要性等角度去论述。
1. 科技的发展与提高人们效率之间是什么样的关系?这样做的原因是什么?效果如何?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: a
2. 技术进步除了提升效率之外,为每个人的生活还带来了什么?
回答: a
3. 都有哪些因素影响了休闲时间的多少?在休息的时候大家都会做什么?每个人的选择一样么?
回答: a
4. 闲暇时间是由效率决定的么?效率与休闲之间是否存在对立关系?
回答: a
The development of technology could doubtlessly increase people's efficiency, since as more and more advanced equipments been invented to replace manual work, great amount of time has been saved as a result. However, whether the primary goal of techonological improvement is used to raise efficiency in order to ensure people more leisure time remains skeptical. Therefore, detailed analysis is needed to provide further insights into this issue.
With the rapid development of technology, our lifestyles have been changed dramatically. Life is much more easy today compared with decades ago, We have typewirters to help us with typing; computers to help us with calculating; cars to help us with commuting, ect. Those marvelous inventions have brought about significant convenience to our life and also significantly increase our efficiency in return. For example, driving a car could save considerable time compared with riding a horse; type with typewriter could double the efficiency compared with writing on papers. Thus, the development of technology does provide us with a much more convenient life and enable us to work more efficiently than ever before. As people have got more and more spare time, they could choose to relax themselves with countless means of entertainments. Currently, in reality, people's leisure time is filled with myriad kinds of entertainment. Watching movies, playing computer games or going hiking are some of those nascent methods of entertaining. And that could be attributed to the development of techology as well. Hence, technology does help people to increase their efficiency while providing us with much more florid means of entertainment.
However, although technological development is apparently conducive to the expansion of entertainment as well as the raise of efficiency, the assertion that the primary goal of it is to increase efficiency for an extended length of leisure time might miss the point. As we know, the goal of technology is to improve the quality of life in general. An assumption beneath the argument is that the quality of life could be measured accurately by the length of leisure time, which means that the longer an individual's leisure time is, the better the life would the individual has. Of course, leisure time could reflect the quality of life to a certain extent, but it could never fully represent life as a whole. A lazy person, for example, could have plenty of leisure time, while  simultaneously, he/she could lead a miserable life. Therefore, despite of the fact that the improvement of technology might be able to increase our leisure time by giving a raise to efficiency, we could not thereby conclude that the fundamental goal of technological development is to spare us more leisure time.
To sum up, there's no doubt that with the development of techonology, our efficiency could be effectively increased; but to assert that the primary goal of technological improvement is for the increase of leisure time might be erroneous and ungrounded, since the length of our leisure time could by no means reflect our life's quality reliably. Thus, the development of technology serves to bring us a better tomorrow by increasing our overall efficiency.
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