GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:頔子頔子
Educators should teach facts only after their students have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little"。题目的实质是讨论理论与实例,抽象与具体之间的关系。你可以分别考虑具体的实例和抽象的概念在学习中的作用,也可以考虑具体事例和抽象方法的特点和他们之间的差异,并分析哪些因素跟“学到东西”有关。
1. 你在学习中更愿意学习抽象的方法、概念、思想,还是学习具体的事例?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 具体~~具体事例比较容易理解 ,会涉及到亲身经历亲身体验的内容will involve first-hand experience ;通过具体的事例,使学习更具有趣味性,能调动学生的积极性can mobilize the students' enthusiasm,是他们对事例中的知识和方法产生好奇心,更加主动自愿的去学习和探索;激发inspire学生自我探索的学习态度和精神,更符合人类认识世界的规律more according with the human understanding of the law of world 抽象~~抽象的概念思想是基础,是对具体事例的支撑;抽象的概念will apply to many situations,可以举一反三draw inferences about other cases from one instance;1.能够了解事物本质 2.更深刻的理解实例 3.能理解发生的必然性和可能性necessity and possibility;学习了具体事例会enhance hte learning effect,同时也加深了对抽象的概念的理解学习中必会涉及到相应的专业术语technical terms,只有明白了抽象的方法概念和思想或其相互关系,才能正确运用到事例中;两者相结合,能够印象深刻,有很好的学习效果 It depends.(1) For some fields that basic ideas and concepts are essencial for the concrete facts, I would like to learn the abstract ideas,trends and concepts.(e.g. The logic and Aristletle)(2)But in the realms that emphasis more on the practices, I'd like to learn the facts.(Education, market, economic, politic)
2. 抽象的思想和概念有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: highly summarized,recapitulative,含义丰富,具有指导意义instructive,已成体系(让学生少走弯路let the students not waste too much efforts),比较系统化systematic,而且把知识归结成抽象的理论容易发现规律,便于传播,普遍性 应用范围广a wide range of application。难以理解,枯燥,很难和现实生活产生联系,更难应用于现实生活中。 (1)concise/convenient. Easy to know the essence of the phenomenon.Sometimes it is predecessors' valuable experience.(2)general. It is abstracted by a majority of the facts so that it coincides/fits most of the circumstance.(3)convenient for communicate with others by using the same concepts.(4)make the knowledge systematic and can be sorted in order.(memory and easy to pick up); problem:(1)ignore the difference;(2)make people comply with dogma; (3)cannot adapt to immediate problem.(4)too many concepts to confuse the scholars in different realms. Einstein的质能方程Mass-energy equation,虽然高深,但是大家都知道 问题:晦涩的理论和方法,建立在实际问题之上的方法,脱离了实际问题来学习,就会很难理解,从而使学生失去兴趣eg:spring或者string的振动vibration问题,实际问题是很有趣的,实验及观测等都可以看到很多神奇的现象,但是脱离了实际,仅研究那些枯燥的振动和波动方程等,觉得没有实际意义,没兴趣
3. 具体的事例有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: brief and clear and vivid,利于理解和记忆,使学生有兴趣,直观directly perceived through the senses,能够直接感知,不完全具有典型性typical和代表性representative,可能会随人们的主观意识而得出不同的结论subjective consciousness 往往只能看到表象,认识不到事物本质,且实际事例繁多,工作量大eg:法律学,以案例为依托,最终还是要回归理论,因为想要紧靠案例来认识懂得所有理论很困难,且认识不到其中的联系和发展规律。无法准确反应理论的整个范围和应用领域,有时无法找到完全能够反应概念的具体事例,仅根据一个具体的事例来形成对概念的认识可能会带来偏差errors or deviation。 爱因斯坦Einstein对相对论relativity的通俗解释:什么是相对论?你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。(Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity. ) (1)concrete and vivid. interesting to learn. fits the real life more. solve the problem quickly when they confront the same circumstance.(2)easy to be remember. (3)have less limit and make contribution concriting new ideas.(4)let students to develope an ability to explore and get used to putting forward their own ideas. Defects:(1)pieces of truths. can't not be connected and sorted to solve a more complicated problem.(2)difficult to communicate.(3)experience is wrong but we cannot know in time.(4)take more time to recognize the essence.
4. 在学习中如何做到“举一反三”?在这个过程中,抽象的思想和具体的事例分别起到了什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 有足够的积累,具有一定发散性思维divergent thinking,全方面考虑,将知识点记熟,正确理解抽象的概念等,要领悟知识与知识之间的规律联系抽象的思想产生基本的判断,具体的事例用来判断这一基本判断是否正确,并将这一理论应用到实际;具体的事例给了直观形象的描述direct description of the image was given by the concrete examples,而抽象的思想则是对该事例的高度凝练的概括abstract ideas are the highly concise summary of the examples。比如学习了因为我是学生,所以我要学习,是一个具体事例,但是从中抽象出的因为……所以句型sentence pattern则是抽象的思想,因此我们可以参照事例替换可替换内容,保留抽象思想,举一反三出:因为我是程序员,所以我要写程序。 conclude the ideas and the generality, then learn some cases and understand profoundly or to edit the ideas.(1)guide.(2)to understand how to apply, understand deeply and critically.
5. 什么样的学习内容更适合学习具体事例?什么样的学习内容更适合学习抽象的思想?请举例说明。
回答: 人文学科更适合具体事例,例如法律,人类学。自然学科更适合抽象的理论,例如数学,化学
6. 抽象概念和思想与具体的事例之间有什么关系?这些关系会如何影响学习过程?请举例说明。
回答: 抽象概念是具体事例的理论基础和指导思想theoretical foundation and guiding ideology 具体事例的抽象概念的体现和验证reflection and verification,两者相辅相成supplement of each other 抽象概念是从具体实例中总结而来的, 具体事例是抽象概念的应用。抽象概念是对具体事例的概括和凝练,而具体事件是对抽象概念的延展表述,或放到具体环境中的应用 abstract concept comes from the concrete facts and once the general conclude is formed, it becomes the guide of the facts. They are interdependent.
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