TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-31】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.
1. 现如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 信息爆炸,科技进步,通信快速,但面对面的交流明显变少,人们对手机和电话的依赖越来越严重。比如以前需要长时间的travel跟家人交流事情,现在一个电话,一条微信就可以解决
2. 这些时代特点是如何影响现代家庭的?现代家庭有哪些特点?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 父母和孩子通常不在一个城市生活,家人之间面对面的交流变少了。由于中国的独生子女政策,现代家庭大多只有一个孩子,血亲关系的亲人比以前少了很多,家族的观念淡化
3. 一个人成功都需要哪些方面的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 自身的能力,机遇以及家庭的支持。自身的能力包括受教育程度、创造力、与人交往的能力以及适应环境的能力,当然,当机会降临时,还需要有抓住机会的能力。家庭的支持建立在这些因素之上,更容易成功
4. 现代家庭能够提供给人们哪些成功所需的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 资金和人脉。
5. 请结合实际谈谈在这些条件中,哪些是过去所不能提供的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 人脉。过去的社会等级森严,中国的社会士农工商阶级明显,不同阶层的人几乎没有联系,更不要说将自己的人脉传递给下一代,现在就不一样,现在的人们对朋友看得很重,也乐意去结交不同的人,俗话说在家靠父母,出门靠朋友,人际关系已经成为决定一个人成功与否的重要因素
in recent years, there is the phrase 'daddy-is-the-key' that is popular in the internet, which means if you have a good family which is either rich or dominant, you will have a brighter future than others. even though it is a joke that someone made it for satirize people who depend on their parents in almost every thing, it is like a mirror which reflects how important a family is for a person to succeed. i can't agree more that nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.what is our society nowadays like? information explosion, rapid development of science and technology especially the communication technique, which let us only to click on a 'send 'bottom to send a email instead of traveling a long distance to talk with our family. just like me, my college is in a big city which is not the one my parents live, so we usually use the smartphone app WeChat to communicate with each other if there is nothing serious. and because of the one-child policy in China, perhaps most family only have one child, the child has no other relatives that have blood relationship with him. the thing is, i don't have neither a aunt nor a cousin, i am the only child in my family. so parents will try their best to help their the only child to be a successful is no doubt that to be successful, one need have advanced ability among some other people, like the major knowledge, creativity, communicating techniques and the ability to grasp the chance. this is the fundamental factor for a person to succeed. but if we have the extra help from pur family, we can get closer to success. what assistance can our family give us? in my opinion, it may be financial help and relationship. i think people will firstly think of their parents when they are in trouble especially related to money. i do remember my father once told me that whenever and whatever you come across difficulties, ask me for help. i will support you forever. i can't describe what i felt when i heard this. i just think that family is always my most important thing. as for the relationship, it is the one that family can't provide us if in the old society. in ancient times, there was strict social hierarchy and people in different class can't have communication at all. let's take China as an example, in ancient Chinese society, there were four classes in it, official, farmer, worker and businessman. of course business is the lowest class in the society. at that time, no matter how rich a businessman was, he just couldn't wear a pair of shoes with the same color! in this kind of society, how could a family help their children with its relationship? but it is different in modern days, we have friends and we always say that a friend of my friend is also my friend, so our parents can help us for asking their friends for help, and also their friends' friends. even though we have less relatives now than in the past, we can still get help from our family even easier than the past. all in all, what i want to say is it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.
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