GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:NancyLi
A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE5"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer"。题目主要讨论的问题是“课程多样化”和“中小学生”之间的关系,其重点是分析在基础教育中,课程多样化的好处和弊端。这是一个本来就有争议的话题,所 以你只需要阐述清楚自己的观点并进行论证就可以。需要注意的是,题目论述的要点不能是“高等教育”,也就是说,不能写成课程多样化与大学生的关系。
1. 你在进入大学之前学习的课程是全国统一的么?你是否喜欢这种方式?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 有的课是必须上的,但也有可以自由选择的余地。不一样的老师和不同的课本导致同样的subject所教content也不完全一样。但也有自由根据自己的能力选择课上,我喜欢这种方式因为可以让我有所侧重学习自己喜欢的东西,并且和大多数人所学的只是类似。
2. 描述一个基础教育中课程在全国不统一的事例,这样做有什么好处?有什么问题?
回答: 有的人喜欢数学可以上很多数学,比如AP课程等等,不喜欢上或者不擅长的就上完要求的数学就不上了。好处是可以让想多学的人学到更多,但是缺点是大家的水平差异更大。
3. 基础教育阶段学生最应该学习和掌握的东西是什么?如果国家统一课程,对于掌握这些东西有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 基础知识。国家同意的话学生的基础类似,将来不会有太多的分歧,大学的时候就不需要做placement test。 弊端是想多学的没有办法多学,不想学的被迫学也不一定学好。
4. 在基础教育阶段统一课程对于国家统治和管理有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 国家可以统一课本,方便交流,学生搬到另外一个地方也不会有学习内容差异的问题。 弊端是有的地方教育落后,规定标准很难达到。而有的地方教育发达,很容易达到要求,导致他们的教育水平下降。
5. 如果各地自己决定基础教育阶段的课程内容,对于学生的培养有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 可以因地制宜,可行性更高。 到另一个地方学习会有差异。
6. 如果各地自己决定基础教育阶段的课程内容,对于国家统治和管理有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 国家不用选择折中的教育水平,弊端是教育水平会有地方性差异。
Coincidence with economic development is education advancement. Education plays an important role in national development. Whether to stardardize education level and control the contents taught in schools or not have been a controversial issue. From my personal view point, it is hard to standardize the education level across a country, and doing so will impede the learning in some areas of the country as well as make students from other areas have a hard time. If the nation require all of its students to study the same national curriculum before entering college, the students will be at similar levels, therefore colleges can treat the students all the same and offer classes at the same depth to most of the students. Knowing what the students have learned, the colleges do not have the need to offer placement tests and thus provide different classes for students at different levels. However, it is hard to standarize the curriculum across a nation due to diversity in culture and religion. Some cultures have their own languages, the students have to master their native languages in addition to the national official language that people speak across the nation. Placing the same standards on these bilingual students makes them have more pressure and harder to achieve the requirements. Besides, classes regarding religion is hard to be unified, since people from other religions will be most likely be offended. More than 100 years ago, when the Catholics moved to United States living with the Protestants, the students had to use the Bibles written by the Protestants, which caused a huge riot. As is shown in history, having unified religious classes is impossible and will cause disputes. Even if the nation requires all students to have the same curriculums without causing language or religion issues, it is hard to decide what the curriculums should be. Schools from different areas have different amount of resources available and therefore the levels are different across regions. We can see from the requirement for PSAT scores for federal scholarships in different states. The scores are higher in states such as California and New York, where the education is better, and the average ACT and SAT scores are higher in those states statistically. Admittedly, the higher PSAT requirements might be caused by higher population, education is also an unneligible factor. To set the same education level across the nation would require the places with higher educational attainment to deteriate, and cause places with lower education having a hard time achieving the requirements. If the nation require the same national curriculum, it will cause some places to under-utilize their educational resources, and other places to be stressed out. In  conclusion, a nation should not require all students to have the same curriculum on account of the diversity of education levels and culture.
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