GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
[Claim] Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. [Reason] Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]现代社会的很多问题无法用法律或司法系统解决。 [理由]法律不能改变人们心中和思想中的事物。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题为老GRE考试中两个题目的综合:ISSUE180 "Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated" + ISSUE178 "It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds"。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避言之无物的问题。同时可以把思路放开,在不同环境、时间和地点,可能会有不同的效果。
1. 法律解决了哪些社会问题?是如何解决的?是哪些因素引起并影响着这些社会问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 犯罪问题,通过相关法律条款给以犯罪人不同程度的惩罚。经济条件恶劣、品质低下等。例如某大学校园出现富二代开车横行,不顾及周围人的存在,开车速度极快,撞到几名学生,有受伤的有死亡的,而其并没有对此表示歉意,相反还理直气壮的说去接女朋友,受到法律的制裁。
2. 人们的思想动态和天性有什么关系?思想都受哪些因素影响?
回答: 人们的思想动态是受天性影响的,有些人天性善,有些人天性好奇等。思想受到所受教育水平的影响,一个人所受教育水平越高,他的思想才会越深邃,看问题越深刻;思想也受到社会取向的制约,社会所支持的、占主导地位的东西,会影响人们对待事物的看法。
3. 人类的天性都有哪些?这些天性中是否存在导致不良行为的原因?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: 人类的天性包括对人性中的各种弱点,比如greed贪婪,lust,Pride傲慢,暴怒Wrath,饕餮Gluttony,妒忌Envy,懒惰Sloth,另外还有天性中善的一面,比如信念,坚强sturdy,善良kindness.这些天性中存在导致不良行为的原因,比如greed和envy,在商业领域,尤其是竞争企业之间,经常出现不争当的竞争 unfair competition,比如互相诋毁bespatter mutually恶意降价 ?Malicious competition来吸引顾客
4. 法律是如何发挥其作用的(可从现实以及心理两方面考虑)?
回答: 现实中,法律通过强制要求和规定约束人们的行为,降低人们不良行为的产生;心理方面,由于法律的存在,人们会提醒自己不要违法,一旦在心理形成了警戒线,在行为上就容易被约束
5. 人类的天性是否可被改变?如果不能是为什么?如果能,哪些天性会被哪些因素改变?
回答: 如果说不能改变:我们只能通过法律和道德的手段约束自己:当我们以不道德,不正当的方式获得利益的时候,必须面对法律的制裁和道德上的谴责,从而损失极大的利益,从而使我们意识到通过这些手段获得财富弊大于利 如果说能改变:通过法律和道德的约束,我们可以克服懒惰,贪婪的陋习,为他人着想
In all actuality, I think the fact that many problems of modern society can not be solved by law and legal system is not always true, indeed there are some problems like the gap between parents and children, the pollution brought by rapid development of technologies ets.that can not be settled by law. For some puzzles going against law, the government or some related adminstration  could provide an distinct accesss to settle them, however, some challenges do not go beyong the limit of legal athority, thus, the law could not interfere them.Try to think about the pollutions such as noisy, air pollution and so on, these problems, to some great extent, exert remarkable negative impact on the lives of ordinary people, then the law could not inhibit those things happening.If you are taking a chat with friends that have not seen for many years, at the same time, someone is talking with his girlfriend loudly, what would you do? It is ridiculous to call the police and let the police arrest him. Maybe the only way is to tell the loudspeaker to speak with small sound. If he ingnores your advices, you have no choice but to tolerate. Let us consider another situation that the gap between parenta and children is becoming increasingly distinctly and sometimes
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