GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE218"In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people"。题目讨论艺术作品价值与大众理解之间的关系,是很抽象的一类话题。艺术作品的创造有着不同的目的,其中传递出不同的信息,而被公众理解并不是所有艺术作品都追求或者能做到的。这就有了是否必要性与充分性的问题,由此继续展开并结合不同艺术形式以及内涵,可以找出很多思路。写作的时候应当注意例子的选取,梵高、莎士比亚等人已经被考生用滥了,题目给出了电影、音乐、小说、诗歌这几个范畴,其中有数量庞大的例子库,一定要选用适合自己文章的事例。
1. 艺术品被创造出来之后,其价值体现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 思想上的突破,表达方式,风格的独特性,审美的价值等。Claude Simon--1985年诺贝尔文学奖“在对人类生存状况的描写中,把诗人、画家的丰富想像和对时间作用的深刻认识融为一体”;Albert Camus--1957年加缪获得诺贝尔文学奖 “荒诞哲学”的代表。
2. 如果某件艺术作品被大多数人理解,会有什么好处?又会有什么不好的地方?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 大多數人理解的好處:使人們能理解藝術品的價值,真正欣賞,尊敬藝術 不好的地方:缺乏理解的大量模仿,降低了藝術品的普遍質量,比如現在小說作品氾濫,很難中其中找出真正有內涵的作品。
3. 你的印象里能被大多数人理解的事物有哪些?艺术和这些事物之间有什么相同和不同?
回答: 生活中的平凡的事物容易被人理解,比如 生活常识 客观存在的事实 objective facts(天气变化 生老病死 浅显的知识 ) 实际存在的物质the actual materials或与普世价值观相符合的作品 the work that have universal values 艺术来源于事物 艺术高于生活 2009年年底,电视剧《蜗居》 Dwelling Narrowness热播,并引起了中国人的强烈反响和激烈讨论 strong reaction and intense discussion。这部电视剧反映了在国家经济增长的过程中,伴随着房价的高速增长,给普通人带来的巨大压力。同时,《蜗居》还深刻揭露了经济压力给人的道德底线带来的冲击 have the impact to the moral bottom line,充分反映了现实社会的真实以及残酷cruel的状况。电视剧的热播和人们的激烈讨论,也表明艺术作品只有与生活接轨,才能流行并受到人们的喜爱,而涉及的话题一旦有争论,艺术作品就能爆发式地流行。 而更多的艺术作品反映的都是生存之上的要求,融入了作者的主观感情和个人经历,同时很多还具有时代的烙印
4. 如果艺术作品脱离了大众会有什么坏处?有好处么?
5. 如果是你去进行艺术创作,拍电影、写书等等,你会怎样去做呢?
Surely many of people including me tend to approve the fact that in order to make the work of art to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.Only in this way can people talk about it and discuss the iimpact and shock on the society and even bring about some changes to lives of people and structure of the society. If the work of arts are just favored by small cicle of people, those arts can not be popular among ordinaries. At this stage, I think that it fails to represent its assets and provide little access for all the categories of people to respond.First, from my perspective, if a piece of work fails to provide a good access for people to understand, it can not embody its merits or have merits. For example, if a TV show or film is appreciated by minority or those privileged categories, it can not convery the response or recognition to all the unprivileged people. Otherwise, when the TV show could be identified with all people or the most of them, I believe that this work would bring about a lot of influence on people. Take the dwelling narrowness as an example, at the year of 2009, during the time that this show was broadcasting, it produced a striking discussion and response about the price of house of china, and at the same time, this show also created widespread arouse about reflection of enthics and justice as well as the opportunities for those unprivileged categries. At this situation, people from all kinds of work or different places would participate in the discussion. The more people talk about it, the more merits it has.Furthermore, if the piece of work only presents a few opportunities for the wealth or authorities, and it can not be understanded by most of people, even if it has some merits, it could perish quickly before  the ordinaries pay attention to it. After all, the number of privileged people are small and they could not spend their most time to contribute the work of arts. Little by little, people that have the capacity to understand it is becoming less and less insignificantly. With the time going on, someday in the future, the work of art could be forgetted by people, and at this moment, the merits and itsself would be vanished.
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