GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:遗世帝尚双
People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE146"People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it"。题目比较抽象,你可以从生活中的一些类似的事情来进行思考,比如父母对子女的挑剔,竞争对手的挑剔等。你可以考虑人们对于某种政策或观点坚定的原因,同时考虑对一种政策或观点挑剔的原因,从而建立它们之间的关联。
1. 描述一个经常被人们挑剔的观点或者政策,人们为什么会挑剔它?挑剔它的群体是拥护他的多还是反对他的多?
回答: 中国医疗保障政策:人们有对身体、心理健康的需求,希望能够得到保障。当期望得不到完全满足的时候,就会产生挑剔。但实际上大部分人都不会选择反对既有的这个政策,放弃享受政策已经带来的利益。 富人应该多纳税的观点:人们希望有好的社会福利,感觉并非所有人公平享受公共资源,感到自己的权利受损,因而挑剔。经常对这个观点做出评论和挑剔的,相当一部分是持支持立场但表示出一定程度的不满意的人。
2. 人们会出于哪些因素而对某个观点或政策坚定不移?这些因素哪些会造成这个人挑剔/不挑剔它?请举例说明。
回答: 政策或观点有利于提升自己的经济地位,符合自己的文化背景,处于自己的政治立场,尊重、崇尚自己的宗教信仰或对于某些非常有社会责任感的人来说感到实现了社会公平。满足自己的物质需求或符合自己的意识形态的时候,人们就会支持这个观点或政策。但人们支持这个观点或政策的时候会自然而然的对其形成某种程度的预期expectation,预期这个观点会造成什么样的结果、这个政策会带来什么样的变化。当实际情况和预期不一致的时候,人们会失望,会有诸如不安、愤怒、委屈等情绪,接着会抱怨现状,表达类似“这样不对,应当是那样”等等的挑剔criticism。
3. 坚信某个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: 坚信某个观点或政策的人会将自己的理想状态或预期假设加诸其上。一旦他们意识到预期无法达成或感觉受到了蒙蔽和欺骗,就会因失望、落差难以接受而挑剔。但他们挑剔的目的不是为了反对这个观点或政策,而是在承认现状已经较满意的情况下希望变得更好。 EVDC:爱孩子的父母批评孩子不是因为仇恨、敌对,而是希望孩子向自己认为更好的方面发展。一旦孩子表现让家长失望,家长可能因为担心、焦虑、气愤而更加挑剔,批评得更加severe。
4. 反对一个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: 反对某个观点或政策的人会因为观点的立场和自己的立场矛盾冲突而对这个观点大加挑剔,或者因为某个政策损害了自己的既得利益而挑剔,但也会因为照顾大多数人的情绪或者可以从中得到一定的好处而不挑剔。
5. 人的情绪会对人的判断和行为造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 人们的行为常常被情绪左右,因此很多时候抱怨、挑剔可能只是情绪的表达,是现实情况与期望值之间的落差造成的心理波动的外在体现。
The idea that the riches should pay larger amount of taxes has been debated for a long period.While some arguing for it in that it ensures the social equity as the upper classes possessing more social resources and gain more wealth than the ordinary people,the opponents claim that paying at the same rate is exactly what the social morality calls for.But the problem is,how can we identify the committers from the objectors?Some may criticize the existing taxation flawed in execution though designed well,others may comment on it for unreasonable rating grades since misunderstanding equity.The discrimination might be rather difficult.The topic implies that commitment and criticism are two exclusive poles at both ends of the contrast,however,empirically saying,we cannot tear criticism from one's position since nothing is perfect enough to avoid any comment.   Which position will the public choose depends on whether their demands are fulfilled.They will stand for one thing if it benefits their physical needs or is coincident with their ideological thought.While we supporting the idea that helping others is good according to conscience,we will definite a robber as perpetrator since robbery is harmful to the community.When we set a opinion towards something,there always exist some expectations,that the case is supposed to be as conceived.Once our expectation cannot be fully accomplished,disappointment emerges,then follows critics.Parents presumably criticize on their children if the kids do some wrong,employees complain about the salaries when allocated extra tasks.    Committees may hold a bright expectation on a certain idea or policy that they urgently hope the condition corresponds with their imagination.Unfortunately,nothing is perfect.Frustrating flaws and errors impulse the adverse emotions such as anxiety,agony,ambivalence,oscillation,etc. Criticism comes next. Oceans of critics from the Americans,especially fans of track and field,hit on the delayed rebroadcasting of the past Olympic Games held in London since they were expecting to enjoy the game simultaneously with the whole world;negative words provoked by the price-fluctuation of crude oil keep alive all year around as drivers and investors live partially on the oil;residents in China complain about the real estate policy because everyone asks for a better living condition while housing issue is always a significant problem in the Mainland.    
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