GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:赵天龙Mamba
The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 现代生活节奏的加快能够表现在哪些方面?和以前相比有了哪些不同?请举例并简述。
回答: 工作繁忙,交通拥挤,人们为了生计而拼命工作赚钱,学生们拼命为了升学学习,快餐
2. 过去的生活中因为慢节奏而引发了哪些问题?这些问题有多少被越来越快的生活节奏解决了?如果生活节奏不加快,这些问题会不会也同样会被解决?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 交通不便利,食品加工速度,工作效率提高,人们生活压力增大
3. 现在的生活中都存在哪些问题?哪些是直接由快节奏生活引发的?如果人们的生活节奏不加快,这些问题是否同样存在?
              The speaker claims that the increasingly rapid of life today causes more problems than it solved.And lots of facts can illustrate the point of view.However,like the saying goes,every coin has two sides.The technology and information age srikes the mankind with its astonishing ability to solve the problem we could never imagine ever since.The emergence of the transportation tools like the airplane,the automobile and ship serve to enhance our speed to travel a long distance.And the internet,moreover,make the world smaller and convenient to communicate.But the stress modern people are facing indicate that the high rapid do have bad effects on our life.
             A more rapid rhythm of life concentrates on the efficency of our more important aspects of life,say,our job and study.The science releases us from the unrelated affairs by reducing the time of many things.We can see that the vehicles make a contribution to shorten our time spent on the way to work.Also fastfood serve to make the lunch or dinner more simple and swift.The online softwares enalbes the remote communication even study available and convenient.Consequently,time saved can leads to a higher efficiency of the things more meaningful.We can focus our attention more on our job and schoolwork.
         Nevertheless, the problem caused by rapid of life can't be overlooked.More and more people suffer from the pressure both mentally and physically due to their work and the living curcumstances.As is seen,the housing price is soaring with the employees'salary increasing not simultaniously.To maintain a family becomes a difficult problem to lots of young people who's about to start a career.In addition,the health condition of people is getting worse due to some surveys.Apparently,the vehicles bring us short cut as well as pollution.And cellphones and computers can cause radiation,which  is quite harmful for health.And the conveniece provided by technology,virtually,makes people less physically motivated,therefore,jeopardizing their health.
        Admittedly,the problems rapid life bring is intimidating.Yet,I suppose,we can solve many problems as long as we are aware of them and take precautions.Consider our jobs require us to sit in front of a computer all day long.We should protect our eyes by taking a break occasonally.And do some exercise if the condition permitted.Confronted with accumulated pressure,trying to relax is good way out.perhaps a movie or a basketball match can refresh us a lot.
    In conclusion,the rapid life does have
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