TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:糖糖
【IBT机经-9】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents.
1. 请结合实际谈谈孩子们选择适合自己且利于自身发展的工作需要考虑哪些方面?
回答: 选择利于自身发展的工作,首先是自己对该行业有一定的兴趣,并不是完全排斥这个行业;其次是自身的能力能够胜任这个工作,有一定工作所需要的知识作为基础;最后是,
2. 孩子们在选择工作时,是否一定需要考虑自己父母工作的性质和内容,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我一个小时候的玩伴,她和我一样,都有个做老师的爸爸。高中毕业之后,她去了师范院校,而我进了化工院校。因为师范的专业以及她自己的意愿,她爸爸帮她报名参加了我们当地的老师招聘,并在招聘前给她做了一些指导,让她更熟悉当地的老师情况以及学生情况,从而使得她因准备充分而顺利走上教师之路,现在也因为她爸爸平时指导的知识和经验,得到了校领导的重视,被学校作为骨干力量参加省里组织的培训。而我,倘若在没有师范类专业知识,自己又不是很喜欢老师这个行业的情况下,选择和她走一样的道路,那么可能我会消极地对待自己的工作。
3. 如果选择和父母类似的工作,是否会有利于孩子的发展,为什么?家长在其中会起到哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 同上
4. 请结合实例谈谈选择和父母不同工作的孩子们是不是更不容易成功?
回答: 之前,我们讨论过,成功的因素有很多种,其中最重要的两种,一种是天份,一种是后天的努力。和父母不同的工作和这两者之间都没有必然的联系。世界上很多成功的人士和自己的父母都做着不同的工作:爱迪生、华盛顿、乔布斯,乔丹。
5. 请结合具体事例简述,选择和父母相似的工作与否是不是和自身成功有着必然联系?
回答: 同上。
Nowadays, successful career has been chased by a lot of people. They want to be another Jobs, Bill Gates, Jordan or Jiacheng Li to show their own ability and value to the world. Among them, there are some people who think that if they choose the similar jobs with their parents, it will be much easier for them to get success or have a better development in their own career. Otherwise, it's not for me. In my opinion, whether a person can a get successful career or not do not matter with the similarity of their and their parents' jobs.
As mentioned by Edison, success is the sum of 99% diligence and 1% talent which means if you want to have a better development, you should choose the jobs that you are interested in and really have the ability to complete them well. And then, hard work and don't give up.
A childhood friend of mine Lin, whose father is a teacher, went to a Normal College after high school while I chose a university of Chemical Technology. After graduated from her college smoothly, she wanted to be a teacher as her father. So she applied a position in a primary school in our hometown. Then her father introduced her real situation about that school and helped her to prepare the written test and interview which promoted the hiring process to go well. Also, with the lessons learned from her father and the theory learned in college, she quickly adapted teacher role and grasped teaching rules. Now she has been the backbone of that school and next month she will have a promotion training recommended by her school.
However, another childhood of ours whose father is a colleague of Lin’s father was forced to be a teacher by her father while she wanted to be a police actually. Although she also got all the similar helps with Lin from her father, she still failed in most employments. At last, her father found a chance to send her into his school. Unfortunately, she could not do this job well. She told me that, she felt very bad about her life and she really wanted to be a policewoman.
As you can see, these two girls all chose the similar jobs with their father. One gets more and more positive energy to be successful in her career while the other gets a worse life than before. Thus, it can be concluded that, it’s not the similarity of their and their parents' jobs which determines a success.
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