GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:乔 淼
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
政府不应该去资助任何预期结果不明确的科学研究 。[说明:写一篇文章,讨论你对于这个政策的观点,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个政策生效以后可能带来的结果,并解释这些结果如何支持了你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE44"Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear"。题目实际上是讨论结果不明确的科学研究是否有价值,是否应该获得政府支持的问题。分析的重点应该是两个:一是研究结果的确定性是否和研究的价值有关系;二是政府投资应该考虑哪些问题。
1. 描述一个结果并不确定的研究内容,并分析这一研究是否有价值,为什么?
回答: 曼哈顿工程
2. 从政府角度出发,判断某一研究是否有价值的依据有哪些?
回答: 能否产生预期的结果? 预期的结果能带来多大的收益?
3. 描述一个国家支持的研究项目,其结果在研究前是不确定的。分析研究后产生的结果给国家带来了什么好处和问题。
回答: 曼哈顿工程。除了少数参与的科学家,绝大多数人不知道这个项目能产生什么结果。 军方大多希望把这些资源用来造坦克、造飞机、造舰艇。 结果生产出了原子弹,用来轰炸日本,避免了常规战争可能带来的大量伤亡
4. 科学研究通常会给国家、社会和人类带来什么好处和问题?请举例说明。
回答: 略
Scientific research cost, and usually governments fund. A government fund a scientific research for results, and for the potential benefits. It seems like a governmental investment for future. Thus, the policy suggested by the author is sound at first glance, for a wise investor won’t let money cost in vein. However, to begin with my discussion, I’d like to state two examples. The first one is Project Manhattan. Before the first nuclear test in New Mexico and the following Hiroshima atomic bombing, this whole project just looked like a black hole in most people’s eyes, consuming large amount of resource and fund for nothing. And the second is Project Apollo. When J.F. Kennedy decided to support such a gigantic project, some opponents asserted that its prospective could be “unpredictable”. That is, US government were not so clear about consequences of these projects. And we know them by now: both projects bring about some greatest breakthrough in history of mankind, and maybe more. What if the government refused funding the projects for “consequence unclear”? So here is my stance: government cannot make decisions simply by such a standard, as the author purposed. Or we may and will miss some great scientific and technological discoveries.
Unlike the laymen and rank-and-file have thought, scientific research always means risk-taking. In most cases, researchers cannot make sure what exactly will happen, though the can predict the possible outcomes. That means, the result of a research are always not promised. Some of such projects are, of course, black holes for money and resource. But it is not always the case. A scientific research is worth funding if researchers manage to convincingly describe the theories and to draw the blueprint in detail, and if the possible outcome is very rewarding. Project Manhattan made US the first country capable to produce nuclear weapon, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing helped to avoid loss of millions of lives. Project Apollo made US the winner of space race, and contributed in the final US victory of cold war. Such outcomes, if partly predicted and assured, will dwarf the risk the government takes. Thus, I think a government should take necessary risk to fund some projects like these.    
Some opponent may argue that government should spend the money on some projects whose result are more promising, in order to help people in a more tangible way. They purposed, for example, “Why should NASA spend so much government funding on Apollo Project when so many poor are starving? Why don’t just buy them food with the money?” Well, in fact, the development achieved in Apollo Project did, help more poor for food. The development of space probing allowed the launch of more satellites, with which we could make better weather forecast. With the forecast, the yield of agriculture increased. Combined with the development of new material, we are able to offer more and cheaper food for public. That’s the second reason I disagree with the author. As we already know, it is often the case that we make a discovery in pursuit of another goal. Or we can simply consider such development as some by-product. However, all these following development could be non-existing had government refused to fund Apollo Project first. This is how we do scientific research and how we benefit from the research. 
All in all, I suggest a government should appropriately fund some research, even their consequences are unclear.
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