TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SY
【IBT机经-16】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
1. 请举例说明电影和电视有哪些内容?
回答: 营养类节目;教育类:英语学习 健康类 经济类 娱乐类
2. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生积极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
3. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生消极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
4. 请举例说明影响到年轻人行为方式的原因有哪些?
5. 在你看来,电影和电视会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
    Movies and television ,a necessary part of daily life,are increasingly popular due to the multiplied genres available to young people.There is much conjecture over wether television and movies have more negtive effects or positive effects on their behavior.I believe we should discuss this topic depending on the programmes which abosorbed them.    Those who spend their leisure time watching nature programmes, documentaries, educational programmes and news,have a broader view of world.TV shows and movies make it possible for a student to broaden his knowledge base because much useful information can't be aquired from class or to learn about another country's ethics and customs.For example,while watching American movies ,I learned that childern do not show as much respect to their parents as we do here in China.Under some situations,they were very disrespectful of their elders and ignored their wishes outright.I was shocked by this behavior.For most young people,they also consider them a major means to really help them become concerned about the world around them.    It can be seen how bad influence on our younth generation.On the one hand ,most cartoons and soap operas offer no useful imformation and waste considerable time .The main disadvantage of this is that it can reduce the learning efficiency and enthusiasm.On the other hand ,some criminal ,sexual and violent programmes and movies are most damaging for them to watch .Because they are too young to control their behavior and be lack of judgement.Then they are more easier to imitate some behavior which demonstrates in the movies or programmes.For example,they may think smoking extremely cool.But in fact ,smoking is an unwholesome hobby.Studies reveal that there is a definite link between smoking and serious diseases such as lung cancer.    In conclusion,I believe that everybody can benefit from educational programmes .Conversely ,some wrong TV shows and movies can be dangerous.Young pepole should stay away from them.
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