GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE43原题。题目讨论有效的领导与伦理道德标准之间的关系,提出了一个必要性命题(必须要具有最高伦理道德标准,才会是有效的领导)。题目有两个易混信息点:effective和highest ethical and moral standards,就像父母总是对孩子说:“你长大之后要出人头地,现在就要好好学习”。但是,是否一定要好好学习才能出人头地?由此即可展开对本题的思路。相对来说反对题目的写法是大家经常采用的。此题难点在于对“effective”和“highest ethical and moral standards”的解释以及衔接上,在分析的时候需要注意。
1. 如何评价领导是否有效?在一位领导会涉及的各个方面,“有效”是以什么样的形式表现出来的?是否存在一个衡量的标准?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 评价领导是否有效是根据他能否带领团队完成人物,以及人物的完成质量和效率。有效是从领导的沟通,表达的说话能力,联合团队合作,能否增强和把握团队成员的执行力,领导在团队成员之间的威信,能否妥善处理好团队中的矛盾。很难存在一个衡量的标准来评价领导是否有效。
2. 领导的有效性由哪些因素共同决定?这些因素中哪些是最关键的?
回答: 领导的素质,是否接受过比较好的教育,各项能力是否突出,如沟通表达能力,很强谋划能力,敏锐判断力。还有领导的道德水平和性格特点也会影响,道德低的人会做出有害社会和他人的事情,反之会为了大家的共同利益着想,而不仅仅为了谋求一己私利。领导还要具有坚强的性格特性,遇到问题临危不乱,做事果断带领自己的团队客服困难。这些因素都是构成以为优秀的领导的重要因素,很难说明认为哪些因素是最关键的。
3. 在一个人成为领导的过程以及之后的工作中,有哪些必经之路?这些必经之路上会存在哪些考验?克服这些考验需要什么样的实力和品质?
回答: 必须要经历从底层做起,积累做事情的经验教训和处理问题办法选择,让他们学会如何解决好各项问题,如何与下级沟通合作,增强团队的整体实力,并挖掘团队成员的潜力,发现各个团队成员的优缺点,发挥他们的长处,避免他们的短处。这需要耐心,坚持不懈的努力,不断学习充实自己,抵抗外界巨大压力的能力,并化解这些压力转化为动力的能力。
4. 极高的道德标准会给一个领导带来哪些好处?又会带来哪些坏处?
回答: 在团队中树立良好的威信和形象,能为团队起到风向标的作用,团队成员会以优秀的领导作为自己的榜样来激励自己好好工作。从对社会大众的利益出发,不考虑自身的利益,常常以牺牲自己的利益而维护大众的利益出发考虑问题。也会带来因为触及到自己的道德标准而顽固不化,不懂得变通,走向死路。不利于问题的解决,和团队的发展。要维护自己的良好形象和团队中的威信,必须做出符合自己身份品德的事情,会让领导感到压力很大,影响以后的工作和团队的发展。
5. 一个不具备“极高道德标准”的人能否成为有效的领导?如果有,请举例并简单分析其成功与道德的关系。
回答: 能,希特勒尽管没有高的道德标准,但他确实以为优秀的领导。他没有以任何道德标准作为准则,但丝毫没有影响他领导他的国家和军队,他的国家和军队仍然有很强的执行力和团结合作的精神。在希特勒的带领下,德国在当时发展得非常迅速,经济情况良好,军事和科技实力都空前强大。
There is a statement that To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. Some people agree on it, meanwhile the other people do not prefer it. From my point of view, I do not support it with my reasons.First of all, to evaluate leaders is not depending on the hight of their ethical and moral standards they hold, but lies in the qualities, abilies of them. To be a effective leader, must accomplish obligions with his or her group members in good efficiency. This calls for comprehensive qaulities and ablilities such as the abilities of communication, solidfing, judgements and so on. Since to be a effective leader who will confront virious problems and challenges, needs comprehensive abilities to solve them. There is a prime example of this, one leader of a Chinese company who can not express his meaning to his group members clearly, leading to his group members misunderstand his idea came out adverse effect to what thought of the leader. There are a great deal of this similar cases to convince us that other ablities besides highest ethical and moral standards are more important of a excellent leader.Second, leaders without highest ethical and moral standards can also reach success like those who have it, and sometimes owning highest ethical and moral standards of leaders may impede the development of the group. Since it is not a vital factor to be an effective leader. When we have other excelent qualities, the door of success is open for us, and the highest ethical and moral standards may give the leaders too much pressure to build a good image amoung the group members. After long time, the leader will feel tired and have so much pressure, which do not favor groups. And history filled with so many instances to support that excelent leaders do not require good ethical and moral standards. Such as Hitler whose ethical and moral standard are low still leaded his country and army to strong status.
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