GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:styrofoam
The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
本题讨论人类思维与机器之间的关系,是很多科学幻想都会触及的一个疑问——人类思维是否永远高于机器,机器会不会有一天超越人类而不再是简单的工具。相关方面有很多素材以及经典讨论,而且也是大家比较熟悉的话题。写作时应当注意:不要发散太多,ISSUE依然是在逻辑上的分析;对于AW,类似于academic writing,所以引用的例证不要太古怪。
1. 人类思维和机器相比,有什么共性?二者各自有什么个性?
回答: 人类和计算机都有判断和计算的能力 人类思维拥有抽象思考的能力人类的思维具有多样性。而计算机的逻辑不是对就是错,没有模糊思考的能力。
2. 人类思维和机器之间是什么关系?
回答: 人类利用机器的思维的快速。 机器依靠人类的思维来改进自己的算法
3. 人类思维有什么不足是机器可以弥补的?机器在哪些方面超越了人类?
回答: 人类的模糊思考能力是机器不能够弥补的。 机器在思维和计算的精确性和快速上面超过了人类,以及记忆的能力
4. 机器有有没有哪方面存在不足注定了其不能超越人类思维?这些不足会不会被某些首段弥补?
回答: 就是说及其对于各种模糊思考的分析,如对语义等。 这些不足可能会被先进的算法弥补
Nowadays, the machines are challenging the human beings in every aspect. Although it is widely accepted that the machines can remember much more things and calculate much more quickly than human beings, there are some aspects, such as abstract thinking, critical thinking, and creativity, where human can easily beat machine.
The machines are superior to the human mind in some aspects. The machines can calculate more quickly and more accurately than the human, once being told to work out a problem the machine hardly make any mistakes and you can get the result in several seconds. Recently, the Watson - a super computer made by 25 scientists - beat the human in the television game called Jeopardy. There are a lot of information stored in Watson, in the game, it is even unnecessary for Watson to turn to the Internet for the answer. A normal person can not remember that much things. It is noted by the science report that the human brain can only remember the amount of 250M information in one's life while you can input large amount of information into a computer or into a disc easily and never forgotten. The modern science and modern industry also largely depend on the computer, computers are becoming more and more important in the modern society. Before the birth of computer, the scientists have to deal with the complicated data all day long; nowadays the computer can help the scientists and can save their precious time to do something more important. The computer has many advantages and is essential to the human society.
On some other parts, however, the machine can not surpass human mind, especially in the aspect of critical thinking, creativity, and abstract thinking. There is one old game originate from China called Go where the humans still reign supreme. This game tests one's abstract thinking largely, while computer only can refer to its data, that is one reason why the computer will lose in the game.  And the machine can only do what you told it, it does not have any creativity, while creativity is one virtue that human is proud of, and it is creativity of the human mind which creates the modern world. A printer can make a copy of the masterpiece of Van Gough easily, but it can never create one. What is more, the machine does neither have any emotion, nor ethics criteria which maintain the world. It is presented in a movie that one policeman and a little girl fell into the water at the same time, the robot save the policeman only based on the possibility of survival. The police live the rest of his life with guilty. In the machine world, there are only zero and one, which stands for absolute wrong and absolute right, which is another reason why the machine can not replace human in the complicate world. There is not a definite boundary of right and wrong in the real world.
Recently, some scientists claimed that the machine would possess the ability to analyze human emotion in about 50 years. At that time, the computer may also possess the ability to think abstractly. I think, in the future, the computer can help human to do more things, but there is still a long way to go.
The modern world can not run with out the help of the machine; the machines can also do something that human can not do, but at the present stage, the computer can not replace the human mind. Although the computer may replace the human mind in the future, before that, there is a long way to go.
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