GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
[Claim] In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. [Reason] The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点] 在任何领域——商业,政治,教育,政府——那些领导者在五年以后都应该下台。 [理由] 通过新的领导者来引发新的活力是让事业获得成功的最有效的方法。 [说明] 写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership"。题目的论述默认了一个前提,即在五年内,领导者会让所在的单位缺乏活力。因此,你以从几个方面来进行思考:一是造成事业缺乏生机和活力的原因有哪些,二是通过更换领导是否一定会给事业注入新的活力,三是有哪些方法会给事业带来新的变革和活力,四是更换领导者在哪些行业会带来新的活力。这个题目重点是论述领导者和一项事业是否具有活力之间的关系,不要纠结于类似“五年”这样的数据中,当然,也可以就“五年”是否会让一个单位失去活力,而更换领导是否可以解决来发表看法。
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: 苹果公司在九十年代时在PC平台上处于巅峰状态,当苹果公司开出乔布斯之后,他们顿时失去了活力而输给了微软,而后在乔布斯返回苹果后,再一次把苹果推向了全世界,甚至改变了整个世界。
2. 导致事业失去活力的原因有哪些?哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 原因:1盲目扩张,贪图规模。 2品牌跟不上产业生命周期变革 3在并购中被外资消灭 4缺乏品牌的创新意识5.缺乏对市场正确了解和估计。6.生产工具、生产技术落后,效率低。7.腐败。有。领导者缺乏领导能力,不能合理引导企业发展,没有创新意识,不与时俱进,不知人善任。贪得无厌,腐败
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: 弊端:对改企业内部运作不熟悉,缺少经验,尝试新方法时会走弯路,做出的决策相应有较大风险;与员工的熟悉默契度的培养需要一段时间,短时间内很难得到员工的认可和支持;企业发展不稳定,方向多变,影响效益;好处:为企业发展带来新的思路; 新的领导为了稳固地位必然会或者是发挥才能,一定会对工作保持高度的热情和激情,从而促进企业发展所需知识要更新换代,互联网行业;政府需要,罗斯福就职,美国正位于史上大萧条的最谷底,罗斯福“新政”不仅缓解了当时的危机,美国社会矛盾相对缓和,在一定程度上恢复了人们对美国国家制度的信心,同时开始注重对环境和资源的保护;NBA换主教练,使得球队战术变化
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?是否能因为企业失去了活力就让他/她下台?请举例说明。
回答: 评判一个领导:道德水平,组织决策能力,领导威信,对待员工态度等。不能因为失去活力就下台以为可能是别的原因:市场形势不景气,员工积极性低,公司历史问题复杂,比如:中国国家男子足球队。经常因为国际赛绩不好而裁撤教练,责任归咎于指导方法不利。但,真正的原因则是中国足球内部球员浮躁不努力、足协官员腐败等,所以教练下课根本不会解决问题。
5. 要让事业充满活力,可以有哪些手段和方法?请举例说明。
回答: 出现问题及时分析原因 适应市场需求 创新(肯德基在中国的成功;针对东方人的口味推出新产品) 有明确的奖惩制度 引进新技术 积极健康的合作与竞争机制 牛根生“企业里不能有自己的家族干事
The speaker claims that in any field---business,politics,government---leaders should be step down after five year for the reason that the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.However,in my view,the speaker? reason and conclusion are both specious.It might appear that revitalization through new leadership is usually a shortcut to success for some enterprise.However,new leadership is not a panacea for any enterprise.

The leaders' management ideologies,strategies and even managing styles play a vital role in success for any enterprise.And periodic change in leadership could prosper an enterprise under some circumstances.It is unfortunate but true that there is no flawless people in the world.Great success,fame and wealth,awe and respect from subordinates can seduce initially wise and cool-minded leaders.The possibility of long-term leadership may make things worse by granting the leaders sufficient time to abuse power.However,things may be quite different when changing the leaders periodically.By maintain proper competitive mechanisms,the enterprise always replenish itself with fresh blood and new leading ideologies.Newly emerged leaders could bring new ways of leading and managing,and they are more likely to keep in better touch with the changing times as well.

Nevertheless,the factor of leadership is rather a requirement for success for an enterprise,than a sufficient condition.Without a strong leadership,it might be impossible to succeed in an enterprise;Yet the strong leadership must not guarantee the success for an enterprise.Other factors,such as the overall quality of the leadership,the communication and collaboration between leaders and subordinates,and management and operation of an enterprise,all play a vital role in success for an enterprise.Thus,only to succeed through changing the leadership periodically is not feasible.For instance,the frequent change in leadership of Russia government in 1999 had not help the nation get rid of the economy depression.

Moreover,granted that periodic change in leadership is a shortcut to success,we fail to draw the conclusion that leaders should step down after five years in any fields.Firstly,frequent change in leadership may cause a series of problems,such as mutations of policies and sudden changes of managing styles.It might ruined the continuation of polices and strategies and spend faculties more time on adapting new leaders and polices.All above would hinder the success in an enterprise.Additionally,substituting leaders is not the only way to maintain the vitality of the leadership.There are some other alternative ways,such as regularly rotational training in leadership,strengthening the supervision.

In conclusion,periodic change in leadership could sometimes prosper the enterprises.However,the speaker? claim is specious for new leadership is not a panacea for any enterprise.To succeed in an enterprise,one should stress all critical factors,instead only focusing on change in leadership.
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