GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:helary菲
[Claim] In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. [Reason] The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点] 在任何领域——商业,政治,教育,政府——那些领导者在五年以后都应该下台。 [理由] 通过新的领导者来引发新的活力是让事业获得成功的最有效的方法。 [说明] 写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership"。题目的论述默认了一个前提,即在五年内,领导者会让所在的单位缺乏活力。因此,你以从几个方面来进行思考:一是造成事业缺乏生机和活力的原因有哪些,二是通过更换领导是否一定会给事业注入新的活力,三是有哪些方法会给事业带来新的变革和活力,四是更换领导者在哪些行业会带来新的活力。这个题目重点是论述领导者和一项事业是否具有活力之间的关系,不要纠结于类似“五年”这样的数据中,当然,也可以就“五年”是否会让一个单位失去活力,而更换领导是否可以解决来发表看法。
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: 柯达公司。失去活力的原因是不积极对产品更新换代,最终被淘汰。这源于领导者对未来行业走向的不敏感,指导方向错误。
2. 导致事业失去活力的原因有哪些?哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 对事业的热情度下降。有可能因为领导对自己不够重视。
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: 更换新领导,对企业有了全新的认识与领导方法,员工在初期可能会不适应。对一些发展迅速的行业如电子产品,更换领导会产生不断新的火花,使企业走在行业前端
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?是否能因为企业失去了活力就让他/她下台?请举例说明。
回答: 领导水平应考虑是否有效地管理员工,使员工愉快高效工作,是否能带领企业不断进步,在行业内占有一席之地。
5. 要让事业充满活力,可以有哪些手段和方法?请举例说明。
At the hand is the issue about whether in any field those in power should step down after five years. Admittedly, enterprises in some fields do need constantly change and innovation in order to suit the fast speed of develpoment such as the electronic product field. However, for education field, frequantly changing leader means no revitalization through new leadership but might cause catastrophe for students.
In the realm of business, one of the principles of success is a visionary leader who can bring innovative ideas replacing the banalities and have insight judgment for all the changes, since the business world is fluid and mercurial. Thus, new blood in the leadership is necessary to the progress of a company. For example, Steve Jobs’ return to Apple in 1997 was so encouraging to the company that it got out of the dismal sale situation and came back to profitability......If the members of the management of a enterprise remain immobile all along, the enterprise can hardly receive pioneering views compatible with the mercurial market. Flying Pigeon, a Chinese bicycle company, used to have its day and owned the largest share in the bicycle market. However, due to the conservative leaders unyielding to the increasingly competitive bicycle industry, it had to confront disappointing sale account and gradually disappeared in sight.
Additionally, in government, immobility of leadership will become a danger in motivating totalitarianism. Consider Mao's government in China. Mao Zedong and his adherents held over control the nation over 30 years until his death. Although he contributed to repel Japan's invasion at the beginning of his reign, Mao's economic policy was not compatible with China's situation, which caused a series of turmoil of events like Cultural Revolution resulting thousands of deaths. After Mao's reign, the new leadership of Deng who rejected his totalitarianism finally guided China back on the track. Furthermore, with different background leadership hold diverse points of view to national development, which can bring kinds of  ideas of country management and make the state more comprehensive.
However, it is not suitable to change the people those in power in education field. For one thing, the field of education is a enterprise which could not bring efficiency immediately, the method of education needs the test of time to judge its result. Moreover, by changing leader frequantly may not only bring no revitalization but make the students become experimental article, which is contrary to the original intention of education.
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