TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Lybin120
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: 多项 合理 把专业知识与非专业知识相结合,既有专业的知识基础,又可以学到专业以外的知识
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: 学生可以全面发展 在各个方面都有所涉及,扩宽了学生的知识面
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: 精通 在这一领域成为佼佼者
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: 有 有帮助
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
回答: 综合性大学 因为现在的社会需要的是复合型人才 在学好单方面知识的同时也需要掌握其他方面的知识
With the development of our society and the progress  taken place in the technology area, there arise a new urge for a multi-ability person. Thereby, nowadays many colleges and universities start to require their students to take more than one kind of courses. However, there's also some other colleges and universities ask their students just take only one major courses. Different people have different ideas about this phenomenon, well, as far as I am concerned, we students could neither choose too many courses nor take only one major courses .
On the one hand, if we take too many courses, it seems that we can learn more and be more prepared in the future competition in the job markets.  That is true, of course. But, it is only based on that you have learned everything very well and you can ballance your major courses and your choosen courses. Last semester I was just taste the bitter pill that I have choose too many courses to gain a good scrore in every subjects. Not only me, but some of my friends complaint that they have taken too many courses.
On the other hand, if  we just take one major subjects, we can obviously concerntrate on it and do it better and better. In this way, when we are finding jobs in that field, we can easily get a good job because we are very good at it. However, this is  not a long term plan. What if you want to find a better job that requires more than you have learned? For instance, the ability of utilize computers have become more and more important in this modern society. A student who have only learned laws as a mojor could not find a better job that make the computer ability as a prerequestion.
All in all, our colleges and universities could not ask their students to take too many courses or just take one. We students should develop in more than one directions and furthermore,we must be very perfect  at least two of them.
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