GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:潘潘落雨了
Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE8"It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public"。题目有人会理解为“政治领导人需要拒绝来自公众的消息”,这个是错误的。本题的核心是讨论向公众封锁消息的正确性、必要性,你可以从封锁消息这件事情给公 众、社会、国家、以及统治者带来的正面和负面影响来进行思考,当然,这里也会涉及到对政治领导人的角色以及责任的讨论。
1. 描述一个领导人向公众封锁消息的例子,并阐述这次封锁消息的行为带来了什么好处,或者有什么弊端?
回答: After the earthquake in Sichuan Province, 2008, the government refused to publish the name list of the people who died of this earthquake. The result of this deed was that, people started to suspect the real number of victims. They were wondering if the government concealed the truth to from public.
2. 政治领导人为什么要向公众封锁消息?请举例说明。
回答: The first situation is that, the government want to keep the public in a stable state other than knowing the truth and let panic spread. however, instead of the quiet atmosphere government have expected, ..... dispute more panic to the contrary. They lost public trust in government.
3. 公众是否拥有了解所有信息的权力?请从法律的角度来举例说明。
回答: 中国宪法constitute规定中国公民有知情权。the right to be informed 涉及国家军事机密的,关乎国家安危存亡的。例如战争期间对地方的侦查结果等等。
4. 政治领导人的角色和责任与普通大众有什么不同?公众是否需要了解所有信息?如果不需要,哪些信息对于公众来说是可以被领导人封锁的?请举例说明。
回答: 要保证国家稳定和发展。Privacy公民的隐私权他人无从知晓,一些军事机密也应该保密。这是保证国家稳定的必要措施。
5. 领导人对公众封锁信息会给社会发展、稳定等带来什么好处?带来什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 封锁一些消息有利于稳定民心。但是,关乎民众切身利益的事情绝不能被隐瞒。首先政治程序需要透明。对信息的控制就是否定了公民的知情权,不但有损政府的公信力,还会导致政权走向专制。
In the game of politics, complete forthrightness is a symbol of vulnerability and naivet?. Neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use ego every advantage to defeat the politician. They would conceal the downfalls, personal flaws, foibles. 
Another reason why I party agree with the statement is that fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security. Might also be necessary to avoid public panic. 
Any democratic society should of course abhor demagoguery, which operates against the democratic principle of government by people. 
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