TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:amandaUtopia
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: 当一个团队在一起工作时,团队中的每个人都应该具有奉献精神。当大家选择在一起做一件事时,这就意味着应该要将个人的利益摆在次要的位置,以团体利益为主。除此之外,团队中的每个人应该拥有一个积极热情向上的心态,因为积极的心态可以影响他人,带动整个团队的气氛。
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: 例如电影的拍摄,非常适合团队工作,如果只靠导演,或者,只依赖某位知名的演员,完全没办法拍摄出令观众折服,影响深刻的影片。并且,在团队中的每个人都必须具有一定的能力。例如著名导演张艺谋的成功,绝不是仅仅凭借他一个人的能力,他背后有一个出色的团队,他有出色的摄影师,出色的美术设计,出色的演员,才能造就他成功的神话。
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 团队合作当然也存在弊端。如果团队中的某个人特别的有领导能力,团队中一部分人就会一味的依赖他,而减少自己的工作量,最后只变成一个人在做事情。其次,如果团队中的工作分工不明确,大家做一件事情就会出现事半功倍,每个人不知道自己的具体任务,总是重复,就不会有如意的结果。
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 独立工作的员工应该具有很强的判断力,他应该在工作过程中知道自己该进行哪一步,也就是具体的工作计划。其次,他应该具有很强的应对突变情况的能力,当事情万一出现没有按照自己所想的情况发展,他应该有能力去解决,去应对,而不是慌手慌脚。
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
回答: 我认为,在需要树立自己的作品风格时,需要自己来完成。例如,我们创作一个舞蹈作品,主要依赖的是编导的创作构思,如果有太多人去干涉编导的思路,那么他就没办法完成具有自己独特风格的艺术作品,每个人舞蹈作品体现都是编导不同的人生阅历与感悟,这种感悟是无法复制的,所以更需要编导个人来进行编创。
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
回答: 独立工作当然有弊端,一个人工作毕竟有很多细节是无法顾全的,他不能有三头六臂去解决每件事情,可能为了顾全大局,就会有很多的小细节上的漏洞,这是我们无法避免的。

Nowadays, many peoples are willing to work with a group of people on a team, and enjoy the time work with many peoples. Of course,there are some people still want to work independently. I basically agree. Generally speaking it's significant for younger people to work with a group of people on a team.

On the one hand, you can learn a lot of experience from others in the groups. everybody in the groups has own special experience, there are many knowledge in their life which you can't receive from books.For instance, last month I joined a volunteer activity in my school and I didn't have the enough skill of communication. In some case, I couldn't explain my detail of work totally and I was tired of many assignment. Meanwhile, my captain offer some assistance to me, I think this experience is extremely helpful for us. On the other hand, younger people should know more friends, and develop ourselves relationship. Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them, but sometimes it's just enough to know they are there。For example, I knowed some friends who came from different schools though this volunteer activity,and I appreicated this sponsor of activity and everyone joined this activity.

Admittedly, if you choose working dependently, you could require more opportunity and possibility.Moreover, you could face all kinds of difficult and you have to solve these problems alone.However,these problems can give you a lot of experience, you will grow up faster than others.In conclusion, we should cherish every chance that we can work with a group of people,and this is a important way for us to understand this society and relationship.
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