GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE206"People are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do"。题目讨论行动以及思考的问题,给出了一个建议(应该先考虑这么做可能导致的结果),可针对这种行为的利弊进行分析。
1. 人们现在普遍对事情的行为和态度是怎样的?都有哪些有代表性的情况?
回答: 三思而后行:比如考虑职业和婚姻 冲动行事:比如穷人买奢侈品
2. 先停下来考虑后果会有什么好处?同时会有什么坏处?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 能够有充分的考量,但是同时可能机会稍纵即逝。 比如:企业家考虑进军IT业,在2000年钱,dot-com公司遍地开花,遍地是金子可以挣,但是如果考虑多了,进入的稍晚,赶上泡沫期基本就废了
3. 对哪种情况下的什么样的问题,快反应要占有优势?哪些条件下深思熟虑会更好?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 比如向政策相关的行业投资或者高风险的行业,最好仔细考虑:比如投资地产,政府政策经常变化,投入资金巨大,需要深思熟虑思考未来行业的发展方向 比如机会来得快去的快的股票行业,需要快反应。
4. 面对某件事,人们采取快速行动出发点是什么?深思熟虑之后进行行动又是为了什么?
回答: 获得巨额利益 保存实力
5. 快速行动和深思熟虑各有什么优缺点?
回答: 快行动能把握住机会,但容易考虑不周 深思熟虑可以考虑周全但决策时间过长
When people start risky tasks,seveal thoughts will form in their mind: whether succeed or fail,how to celebrate after the task or how people will view this behavior. However, few  consider the consequence that may follow.
In my opinion, risky takers will not consider the following consequences before they start.

Advantures in life is a challenge and the process is more meaningful than the result. Ususally when risky taker make their decisions, they have a huge amibtion in their hearts,which leaving no room for thinking about  bad cosequences. Consider those travelers who went to Mo Tuo, southeastern of Tibet, where people can reach only on foot.They decide to challenge themselves with such risky task just for the pleasing but hard process during which the group will embrace each other, and long last friendship begins usaualy on the journey. For most travelers with advanterous inspirits, what they cherish most is the unique experince.

Taking adventures in other fields is not a  rare occasion. Consider business people, when Jack Ma, the CEO of Aribaba, a typical electrical business platform in China, decided to quit from his college and devoted himself to the Internet wave, all he thought about, as he referred in his autobiography, was that his life would be marked by this brave action,  and whether success or failure, he had the experience of starting his own business.

Although the consequences of failure is harsh: Some travelers lost their life on a gangerous journey, and some businessmen lost his chance of earning wealth or even lost the chance to restart after a risky investment.However, I still believe taking advantures has its own beauty. For any person who is on the road in the name of life, he can reach crossroad anytime, and if he choose to break the normal rules and catch a risky chance, all he should think about before any decision is the following three things: Does he want to do it? Does he have the ability to do it? Does he know how to do it? If all the three answer are Yes, then there is nothing should stop him.

Taking risk actions always bring unexpected success, and thus people are eager to take a risk to do something that might lead them to glory. It is comoonly known that we should consider the possible results before we take action. However, reality seldom gives us the chance to think about the  consequences.
It is true that people should take the possible consequences into account before they decide to take  risky action because the action may bring more negative results than the positive one. Hence, people may not need to risk to encounter hardships. For example, a businessman may have to consider the possible consequences about incorporating  a company which is suffering financial problems. Even this company may own complete sale chains and this may be good for the his business, the businessman have to consider whether his company can afford the financial expense on saving the business he want to incorperate, and avoid the possible risk this action may bring about. Therefore, considering the possible consequences is esstential before making decision to take a risk.
However, in most situation, spending time on thinking means losing chances. Since chances may never wait long, one has to grasp the chance even when he know his action is risky. In business field, especially in stock market, we often hear that a ordianry man becomes rich just because he take the chance and put all his money in a certain stock. Then he make his fortune by this risky action. Imagine the man carefully analyze the good and the not good factors before he makes decision to buy the stock. Probably he miss the optinum time to invest. Hence, we can see that soemtimes decisiveness is indispensible in taking risk action since we take risk with huge expectation. In this situation, we cannot think too much, otherwise the chances may never be there.
Also, when it comes to the scientific discovery, we also fail to see the necessity of considering the  possible consequences for we do not have the ability to predict at all. Thus, people have to take the risk to expolore the unknown without too much thingking. If Nobel thought about the possiblity of explosion, he might not choose the invent the great weapon. If scientists thought about the demage of the radioactive elements, they might also choose to ignore these element. In this way, our society may not improve or improve in a slow way. Hence, we should not encourage people to think about the consequences before taking risky action for they may not predict the possible consequences, and also even they can, preventing risk action is not good for the improvements.
In all, I do admit that considering the possible consequences prevents people from wrong decisions. But in most situations, thinking too much does not bring such benefit and even make us lose the chance to success. Also, we have to say that our prediction is not accurate in most situations. Hence, if we avoided taking risks, our society would have not changed too much
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