GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people"。题目讨论对荒地原始状态保持的问题,题目认为这种措施是“应该执行”的。在分析的过程中,可以从国家责任本身要考虑的内容、荒地原始状态的保持满足了哪些需求、荒地对人们生活的正负面和直接间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体事例分析:哪些荒地因为政府没有进行有效保护,给人们带来了负面影响;有哪些原始荒地因为政府的开发而带来了更多的价值?
回答: 亚马逊雨林的破坏带来了环境的破坏,许多生物的栖息地被毁 在中国东北的北大荒,变成了粮食基地
2. 对国家而言,处于原始状态的公有荒地存在哪些直接价值和潜在价值?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 原始荒地也存在生命,也许有人类目前并不了解的生命,保护这些荒地可供以后研究 原始荒地可能存在一些经济价值,比如一些珍贵的药材,比如大兴安岭地区 原始荒地也可用作一些军事研究,不会影响其他的人口密集区域像在罗布泊试射导弹。
3. 除了保持荒地原始状态之外,国家还可以利用荒地进行哪些活动?这些活动的直接价值和潜在利益有哪些?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 开发原始荒地,解决人口增多面临的耕地不足现象
4. 对于的荒地,应该如何平衡开发与保持原状态的利弊?请结合以上分析做判断。
回答: 首先要弄清荒地的状况,不能盲目的开发,
5. 国家在保持公有荒地原始状态过程中的收益是否大于付出?
回答: 不见得,因为荒地开发往往会带来意想不到的环境问题,而先污染再治理的路子根本是错误的,人们可能因为环境问题付出巨大代价
When it comes to the wildlands, most people' first reaction is the discription in the literature works, like Shakspeare's Macbeth beginning with two wiches talked in a wildland. Also, these days people  think aobut exploiting the once no-human areas. However, I embrace the idea that we should pass laws to preserve the remaining wildness areas.
Admittedly, exploiting the wildness arears can help solve the problems brought by the expanding population. We can transform the wildland into agriculture land in order to solve food shortage. Also, we can migrate people to those places to alleviate the pressure of big cities and towns. Transforming the wildness areas have been proved successful. In the 1960's, Chinese young people came to the northeastern of the country, built canals to remove the water in the wetland and then planted grain and crop. This transformation became a success and solved the food problems at that time. Even today, this area is still a major resource of  argricultural plantings.
However, the history also shows that the human-centralism has separated us from nature. We tried to force  the nature to serve us. If we pass laws to preserve our wildland, we may stop our intervention in the natural process. Only by letting  the nature regulates itself, can we continue to live in the planet. With laws, people have the idea of what they can do and what they cannot do. Thus, the next time when they want to change some wildlands into planting areas to deal with the food shortage, they may concern about the consequces of breaking the laws. After consideration, they may give up the idea of exploiting and turn to other methods like inventing new crops with high productivety.
Also, Passing laws to protect wildland gives a chance for better research in the future. We all know that so far, people have learned very limited knowledge about the nature. Wildland, however, is not  really wild as it sounds. We have known that there are life patterns in the wild areas and  most of their features remain unkonwn. If now the wildland was destroyed, the other day we do not have the sample to study the lives in the wild areas. That will be a huge loss. Many wild animals are extinct before we  know them very well. For instance, the panda or some species of tigers. If we pass laws to protect the wild areas, the animal's habitat, we leave a chance for ourselves for one day we  could conduct study when we have enough knowledge about them.
In all, no one can deny that wildlands have so much importances to our lives: economy, cluture, medication, geology are all invloved in the studying the wildness areas. Thus, we should not sacrifice other benefits just for satisfying the ecnomic interest. In stead, we should protect wildness areas since now, and making laws is a suitable way.
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