GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
[Claim] Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. [Reason] Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]现代社会的很多问题无法用法律或司法系统解决。 [理由]法律不能改变人们心中和思想中的事物。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题为老GRE考试中两个题目的综合:ISSUE180 "Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated" + ISSUE178 "It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds"。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避言之无物的问题。同时可以把思路放开,在不同环境、时间和地点,可能会有不同的效果。
1. 法律解决了哪些社会问题?是如何解决的?是哪些因素引起并影响着这些社会问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 法律维护了社会的正常运转,法律有着威慑作用,通过严厉的惩罚措施,使人们害怕做坏事的后果,所以人们不敢出格儿。
2. 人们的思想动态和天性有什么关系?思想都受哪些因素影响?
回答: 思想受习惯,外界的影响,
3. 人类的天性都有哪些?这些天性中是否存在导致不良行为的原因?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: Greedy, laziness,
4. 法律是如何发挥其作用的(可从现实以及心理两方面考虑)?
5. 人类的天性是否可被改变?如果不能是为什么?如果能,哪些天性会被哪些因素改变?
When it comes to the features of modern life, scholars often mention that our society is maintained by laws. It is laws that ensures the normal operation of our society: everyone does his work. However, it is also commonly known that laws cannot change one's minds and thoughts. If it could, we would not worry about crimes at all. Although the laws have little influence on people's minds, this does not mean that laws and legal system cannot solve problems in modern life.
It is true that laws do not have a direct influence on human minds. Because laws are extrinsic punishment of the wrongdoers. However, we also do not expect laws to work that way. In fact, since we human first realize the importances of laws, we design laws not for chaning but for alarming. Laws work their way on threatening the ordinary people by punishing the wrongdoers. Thus, people are afraid of doing wrong things and getting the same puishment. With that sense of fear, they behave without breaking the rules. Thus, the order of society is maintained. But we have to admit that laws can bring the fear of doing wrong, but cannot delete the intrinsic avarice. Hence, we do not expect laws to work in the way which it can change the bad ideas to good ones.
However, no change in minds does not mean the problems cannot be solved. In fact, laws do help in solving social problems and even somtimes putting the society moving forward. This effect can be seen from two different levels. The first is the individual level. People fear the possible punishment so that they avoid doing wrong things. For example, students are afraid of being caught so he does not choose to cheating in an exam and insted, working hard before the exam. An gorvenment official fear of the severe consequence of corruption, he may use his power carefully.In order to prevent the wrongdoings, laws have contributed a lot in our current society. The second level is the social level. Our society gets  more open by adopting some laws. For example, the minor races in the U.S have get their living condition improved by seveal laws of promoting the education of the minor races. Women get the equality due to the laws that ensures their rights. From these events in history, we learn that the first step to solve some innate problems is, obviously, establishing laws related to the problems.
Definitely we cannot avoid that some problems cannot be solved by current laws. Even some laws  bring us new problems. For example, protecting individual freedom may endander other's life. Legal prohibition of discrimination may deepen the bias towards some races. However, these new problems cannot disprove the fact that they help us solve some hard problems. The sociey is getting improved everyday, so we can modify the laws to let them keep up with the development of the society.
To sum up, I have to say that I embrace the idea that our minds cannot be changed by laws. But the laws work its way. As long as it can help us solve problems, we should admit its contribution to the society wathevey the ways they solve the problems.
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