TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
【IBT机经-42】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Acting at once is better than being patient.
1. 哪些事情要求人们要立即行动?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 一些必需马上处理的问题。 i.e. 1.学习中的问题,应该马上解决,不能拖延。
2. 立即行动在加快速度的同时也会带来犯错的风险,这会带来哪些不好的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 可能会造成很多无法挽回的错误。 i.e. 当我们看到别人出国留学的风光是,在没有确认自己是否适合出国这条路就贸然的决定自己的未来,会造成很多无法挽回的错误。比如耽误了国内适合自己的工作;没有尊重父母的意见,太少的时间陪伴他们。
3. 哪些工作不要求工作速度反而强调人们工作的准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 医生手术,心脏手术耗时很久,但不能因为要提高速度而降低准确性,会造成非常严重的后果。
4. 有人说,耐心等待往往会导致机会的流失,你是否同意这种观点,请结合实际简述。
回答: 不同意。 任何时候,耐心下来去做某件事都是王道。 penicillin的发现者生化学家Alexander Fleming,在经过长达7年的研究,还是没有证明溶酶体能做为一种疫苗,但偶然的机会,外面的灰尘落到了他的培养皿中,culture was contaminated with fungus-->发现了penicillin。 -->很多机会不是马上就能有的,是在不断耐心努力后出现的。
5. 有人说,耐心是一个优秀的品格,你是否同意该说法,请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 不完全。 在需要静下心来做工作,实验,学问时,确实需要耐心。比如滴定实验,不能急躁,指示剂变色就在瞬间。 但很多时候又需要当机立断,不能纠结,会浪费很多时间。i.e. 篮球最后是否出手,没有很多时间考虑,必须马上做出决定。
We live in a world full of choices. It is an ability to choose what to do.  What is more important is how to choose. Facing so much choices, acting at once or being patient depended on particular circumstances. As for me, I am dealing with my disability about making a decision, so I prefer to be more patient when dealing with problems.Many decision need to be made after analyzing patiently. For instance, I made a decision that is I want to go broad for studying. Besides hearing other people describe the advantage living abroad, there are many factors that I need to pay attention. First, I need to make sure that whether my language ability fits that university's requirement. Moreover, I should think about why I want to go out for study. Last and most importantly, the supports of my family members are significant in my own decision. If I just make my own decision regardless of all factors refers above, many problems would appeared. I might miss some appropriate domestic jobs opportunities. As those language test is so frustrated, it may totally beat my confident. Furthermore, patient is a pressure quality that a science researcher should own. Let us take an example at medical yield. Patient can not be nesscery more in a surgery. When the surgeon put a pathway into the patient's hart, any precipitance would cause serious results.  Also, in some laboratorail research, patient works either. Biochemist Alexander Fleming found penicillin after seven years research. We could know there must be many situation that make him annoyed. He just, however, keep on looking in a patient manner.While being patient does not means hanging up, in many situations, we need to find our answers directly, such as the problem of a particular question, the way to shot the buzzer beat in basketball game. Combining patience with judgment would lead a succeed. 
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