TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:小蝙蝠每天都在进步~
【IBT机经-42】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Acting at once is better than being patient.
1. 哪些事情要求人们要立即行动?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 医生。当外科医生面对病人出血呀,血压降低的瞬间,要立刻行动来采取措施,以求能挽救病人的生命。司机。当司机发现有交通意外,例如有逆行的车辆,的时候,要立即决定是踩刹车还是打方向盘转弯,期望司机的举措能免于全车的人发生意外。
2. 立即行动在加快速度的同时也会带来犯错的风险,这会带来哪些不好的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 可能会有生命的威胁。我看过一个非洲的纪录片,在草原上发生火灾,远远的看见大火乘着风袭来,不是拔腿就跑,而是等大火比较靠近自己的时候,用树枝取火点燃另一片还没烧着的地区。这样当新的地区被火烧后没有可燃物质,人处于新的地区,就不会再有被烧死的威胁。。。。不过我猜题目应该是让写生活中的故事。。。
3. 哪些工作不要求工作速度反而强调人们工作的准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
4. 有人说,耐心等待往往会导致机会的流失,你是否同意这种观点,请结合实际简述。
5. 有人说,耐心是一个优秀的品格,你是否同意该说法,请结合实际说明你的理由。
When I was in college, I have a friend who was always busy. A little bird told him that graduates did not easily get employed, so he started his internship at once. When he realized a high GPA would play an important role in a job interview, he began to study at library. Acting at once seems to be his motto. He was always busy doing things instead of thinking. No doubt he had experienced a lot before graduation. And, on the contrary, it didn't help him starting a good career. If I can learn a learn from him, that would be that being patient is a better quality than acting at once.  Patience shows the magic of time, which could be a way better result at last. When we trying to achieve a target, we make a plan and what we can do every day is to work hard to finish the plan. Although it may take longer than expected, insisting on plan would make a change and may go further. Take the 2014 physics Nobel winners as an example. Nobel prizes are always awarded to elder people because the most valuable advancements in science will show their great achievement only when many years passing by. The 2014 physics Nobel winners are awarded for blue LED, which has been invented in 1990s. Now white LED all over the world are because of adding blue. Also, being patient will see the great achievement in finance. Have you ever heard of compound interest? If 1,000 dollars is the principle and 6% is the annual interests, only 60 dollars will add to the account at the end of the first year, but 2,000 dollars will be paid after 12 years. The interest isn't high and the secret here is never retrieve money back earlier. Being patience lets us discover a more suitable way than acting at once. Facing a problem, thinking before acting would lead us to have a more comprehensive view of the problem , and then while being patient, the right solution would appear after judging from all the circumstances. The famous director Ang Lee catches the whole world's eyes by his latest movie Life of PI. When we look over his past, we find out that every several years he brings a marvelous movie to the public and receives praise. He didn't direct too many but has been waiting for a good opportunity for his next masterpiece. Ang Lee's success takes credit from being patient, while patience can sometimes save life. What would you do if you are in African prairie and see a big fire coming? Running away at once would lead to death eventually since the fire would reach you soon and not to mention with the help of wind. Once I saw a documentary in which a local man waited patiently and brought sparkles by tree branches to fire a new area of grass when the big fire was close enough. So that nothing combustible was left in the new area where the man stood and survived while the big fire went away from him.  Although being patient has so many advantages, it is true that people must act shortly at some circumstances, as a surgeon facing a patient who has lost amount of blood or a drive facing a coming accident. Being patient is different from being procrastinating because patient people know their goals. If we become more patient on our life, on our talent, we will face a better version of ourselves.
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