TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dfg1111
【IBT机经-42】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Acting at once is better than being patient.
1. 哪些事情要求人们要立即行动?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 那些很紧急的事,恩很重要的事,比如要上厕所
2. 立即行动在加快速度的同时也会带来犯错的风险,这会带来哪些不好的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 恩,不好的影响就是犯错呗
3. 哪些工作不要求工作速度反而强调人们工作的准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 比如精工细作,手工艺,你想做一只表,要花师傅好多时间的,那零件小的
4. 有人说,耐心等待往往会导致机会的流失,你是否同意这种观点,请结合实际简述。
回答: 对啊,我同意这种观点。正如有句话说的,男朋友就像食堂里的菜,虽然难吃,但是去晚了居然也没有了
5. 有人说,耐心是一个优秀的品格,你是否同意该说法,请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 我觉得耐心没啥,该等的还是要等,关键是不能拖延。还有,在等待的同时也可抽身做点其他有意义的事啊,要记住人还是可以多任务运行的。
In our daily lives, the style of someone to deal with something is greatly different from others. Someone likes getting results as soon as possible and would believe that first come, first serve. Meanwhile, the others are likely to stay there and wait for the proper opportunity. They would say they merely want to catch the essential point of an affair. Which one is more efficient in today's situation? The answer should be both. Cause there are different kinds of things for us to deal with.
For the urgent affairs such as going to the restroom, the patient is not the main character, we must do it instantly, or the outcome should definitely go to the unfortunate side. When someone collapses on the street, we must provide help as soon as we can. If someone likes waiting for the poor man being well by himself, it equals to harming the poor man. Also, if a mall is on sale, do not wait, just buy. If you are late, the goods you desired would undoubtedly be put in some others' carts. Additionally, if the great disaster comes, we must act immediately. There would be thousands of people who are in dangerous situations waiting for rescue. One minute latency could cause one life to be lost in the world, so we must be hurry in this circumstance.
On the other hand, if something would cost great mount of time to complete, we must be patient. Since acting at once would not accomplish this work, likewise, may let it be worse. Swiss wrist watch is famous over the world. Commonly, the artisan would cost a couple of months or even some years to assemble only one watch. Just because of the delicate skills and huge time, the value of the watch would be great. We could image that if someone could not patiently do something, it would be unlikely for him to accomplish a subtle Swiss watch. And in our daily lives, you could easily figure out the result when someone directly woos a sweet girl but they even have not dated. Thus, to cope with something, we must be patient.
Of course, the two styles of dealing with things are not conflicted. When someone is doing something immediately he also can wait for the right time. And when someone is waiting for something patiently, likewise, he could do something instantly during the waiting. To sum it up, affairs, we need to deal with are quite different, what the strategy should be taken all depends on the property of the particular thing.
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