TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:littlesky
【IBT机经-51】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should play sports only for fun, they should not attend competitions.
1. 适合孩子们的运动有哪些?请结合实际简述。
回答: 慢跑。慢跑的是有氧运动,有助于孩子的身体健康;同时慢跑能够避免激烈的肢体碰撞对孩子造成的伤害。
2. 孩子们参与运动可以给孩子们带来什么好处?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 孩子们参加篮球运动,能够充分活动孩子的身体,达到全身运动的效果。同时打篮球中认识新的伙伴,结识新朋友,学到如何在团队合作中取得胜利。
3. 哪些运动可以用来竞技比赛?哪些运动用做娱乐更合适呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 游泳适合用来竞技比赛,容易得到准确的成绩并不容易受到环境的干扰。篮球适合用做娱乐,因为篮球可以团队合作,并且运动中能够相互交流。
4. 当前社会比较看重人才的竞争意识和合作意识,有人说孩子们参加竞技可以培养孩子们的这两种意识,你是否同意该观点,请结合实际简述。
回答: 同意。参加竞技能够培养孩子的竞争意识,让孩子适应当前社会的竞争压力和节奏。在比赛过程中能够接触其他人,学会如何合作以赢得胜利。
5. 事情都是具有两面性的,请问竞技会给孩子们带来哪些不好的影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 运动前没有做好保护准备会增加孩子在运动中受伤的可能,甚至导致身体残疾。过度关注竞技的结果,认为胜利才是最重要的观点,会扭曲孩子的价值观。
It is well-known that sports is one of the life value. With the increasing competitive society developing, a number of parents more care about their children physcial fitness and want to their children  attend competitions instead of  just for fun. I believe that we should support this opinion. Because competitive sports could help children adapt the step of society, arousing enthusiasm of sports and train their teamwork ability.We all know that this world is a competitive where we live, people need attend competitions from born to tomb, if not, the result is be excluded from modern society. The children who take part in competitive sports will know how to catch the step of society. Woshibiande, a successful enterpriser of China, said that one of  factors about his achievement is attending sport competition when he was a child. From these, he could study how to adjust his mentality about win or lost so that he will make himself optimistically. He always say," I have and will meet a lot of hinders and difficults, however, thanks to my mother, she encourage me to attend some competitive sports, such as 100-metre race, basketball and swimming, which let me keep a strong mind to face them and never give up." No doubt that taking competitive sports will help children for fit now fierce competition.Moreover, arousing enthusiasm of sports also a reason why encourage children take part in competitive sports. The scientific research from China Development Association shows that the children who attend competitive sports keep five or more hours sport time a week, however,  the children who attend sports just for fun are only two or three hours sport time a week. Some children think that it give them a honor to take competitions when they win the sport game and make them confidently. On a related note, some children are overweight and not much enthusiasm because the items can not cause their passion.Last but not the least, some competitions will bring teamwork ability. In the increasing economic world, most employers have tendency to employees who have teamwork ability. Some parents think that some sports will develop their children's skills of talk with strangers and children also can make friends during the matches. Basketball, baseball, football etc. maybe good choices. We know that not basketball, not Mingyao and his partners, of course not business empire today. Competitive sports not only give people healthy body but also equip them sociability which helps them access to the success.Some parents worried about that competitions may hurt children. There are many examples about sports injury. So children attend sports only for fun is better. But no one can promise there are nothing if children play sports just for fun and could  avoid injury. I support that children should play competitive sports but in morderation.
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