GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Neal_Leung
Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE94"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated"。题目讨论大学生学习范围的问题,题目认为应当要求学生学习本专业以外的其他课程。在分析的过程中,可以从本专业学科和其他学科知识对学生的生活学习和工作的正负面影响、不同知识之间的相互作用、教育培养学生的目标和需求、不同领域不同环境下分情况讨论等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举你的专业课程,以及你选择的非本专业领域的其他课程,并分析这些可课程对你的意义。
回答: 我的专业课程有传热学和材料力学等,选择的其他专业的课程有英语和论文写作。我的专业课程帮助我更好地学习了本专业所需要的知识,也可能是我未来的研究方向,是我专业学习必不可少的;其他专业的课程比如说英语和写作,都是为了培养我未来获取知识、发表看法的能力,也是我必不可少的技能。
2. 从大学生现在以及以后的学习、工作、生活的各种需求来看,哪些能力或者知识是他们需要具备的?这些知识和能力需要通过怎样的教育形式来获得?
回答: 大学生需要分析问题、解决问题的能力和学习的能力。分析问题、解决问题需要通过教育给与问题并引导解决的方式来培养,而学习的能力则需要教育为受教育者提供足够的学习空间和动力。
3. 仅学习自己专业领域的课程对大学生来说是否足够?如果是,请说明理由;如果不是,这样的行为对大学生的发展有哪些局限性?
回答: 不够。如果仅仅学习本专业的知识,不能够和其他学科交叉,或者不能够拥有学习新知识的能力,是不够的,这样的学习者没有广阔的视野,也没有良好的学习能力,在日益强调学科交叉。综合能力的社会中发展空间不大。
4. 自己专业领域外的其他课程可以带给大学生哪些影响?(可从正面影响、负面影响以及直接和间接影响来考虑)
回答: 比如哲学可以帮助学生思考世界的秘密,可以帮助我们更好地解决人生中遇到的问题;学好英语可以让我们掌握更多获取信息的渠道。但是学习这些课程必然会占用学习专业的时间或者是娱乐的时间。
5. 社会如何定义“人才”的标准?大学教育应该如何设置课程才能更好地培养“人才”?请举例说明。
回答: 人才就是在专业领域取得足够的成功,同时在其他方面,比如道德、身体素质等方便也有不错表现的人,即全面发展的人。大学的教育在重视专业素质培养的前提下,还要重视道德、体质的培养,促进学生全面发展。比如在工科学院中加大人文类课程的力度,还有在校园内加强体育设施的建设,鼓励学生参与运动等等。
    Nowadays, the society has been increasingly strictly require people to acquire more abilities for the fact that the competition is getting more intense. Therefore, to make sure their students have comprehensive skills, it is obvious that the universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.    To be useful to the society, a student needs many abilities which are not accessible only inside the student's field of study. To be successful,  a student should be healthy first, but the knowledge and methods of avoiding sickness cannot be learned from a Math book. What a engineering majored student study in classroom are subjected courses such as Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics and Engineering Drawing, etc. Non of them could make us healthy. However, a student could learn how to play football and basketball from PE courses and how to build a good body from health protection courses. Second, a good social circle is important for a student to be successful. You won't start a conversation with a girl with the great Goldbach's Conjecture. Take a enjoyable movie or music will be obviously better and that's why you may need to take course about Beethoven and Haydn.    Taking courses outside where the student majored in is helpful and beneficial. To be a successful scholar, a student should master how to write a good dissertation and obtain information fast and correctly. Taking writing courses and language course could help a lot.    Admittedly, taking courses outside the student's field of study may take some leisure time and affect the major study. However, the students will acquire many other skills from these courses which will be very beneficial in the future.So it's worthy taking the universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.
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