GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 怎样评价学习某个专业是否可能成功或者不可能成功?应该参考哪些因素?请举例并简述。
回答: 一种观点是唯就业论,凡是就业情况好的,该学习专业就是好的,就是成功的。反之为不成功的。 其实 定义成功这个概念 本身的答案就不是唯一的 金钱 是一个标准 但同样是100万 一个人 是靠聪明才智挣来的 另外一个是靠卖儿卖女换来的 能一样吗? 另外一个标准 是 找到你想去做的一件事 也就是目标,通过自身的努力 来提高自己的能力 达到目标 这就是自我实现的过程 人就会感到幸福 这也是一种成功。 原来GRE的作文 无论是 ISSUE 还是 Argument 几乎不会写 通过langlib 这个网站 尤其是作文平台 有了很大的提高 最好拿到一个满意的分数。
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为了“成功”而选择专业,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 为了成功而选择专业,找到自己满意的工作 那没活说,万一找不到自己满意的工作 这就属于投机行为,容易心态失衡。 而且这样容易照成急功近利 心态仍然没有放平。 而且会觉得有一些课 没有用 就不好好学 乃至不学 其实 你不知道哪一门课 会在什么时候对你有帮助 就像 阿甘 老妈说的 你永远不知道 盒子里的下一块巧克力是什么味道的 就像 当年Steve Jobs 学一门文法课 他不想让它没用 这才有了 苹果系统优秀的界面
3. 除了为以后的成功做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 独立思考的能力 和与人沟通的能力。 前者 只有一条途径 多读书 多思考 后者 则通过各个途径来锻炼 参加一些社团活动 课外兴趣小组 结识一些志同道合的朋友 总之是与人打交道。但切记 学会保护自己 因为社会还有一些黑暗丑陋的地方。 例如 一个学校里 几个同学 都要考GRE 就可以 组成一个小组 每周定期 开会 找一个 Topic 一人记录 几人讨论 这对于 Issue Argument 写作是非常有好处的。
4. 在毕业之后的工作和生活中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 不一定 英语 政治 都是有用的 你在外企 工作 或 到国外出差 就需要用英语和人交流 如果连话都不会说 是无法正常工作和生活的 例如 一中国留学生 在美国快餐店吃饭 由于 不敢说英语 也是英语的表达能力 不是太好 这导致缺乏自信 更不敢说 每次就指一号套餐 一个月之后 实在受不了 就是因为英语口语不好 后来 张嘴开说 才使得 可以表达意思 不用只吃1号套餐了。 补一个例子 不是。现在职场上工作的人,只有一小部分人从事与自己专业有关的工作,大部分根本没用的专业知识。那么什么最重要?学习能力、人际交往能力、自我认识能力。1、学习能力是一个人接触新知识,并能很快运用它的能力,这是工作中非常重要的。毕竟,社会上的工作,并不能满足每个人的专业需求,这其中就需要部分人,从事不熟悉甚至陌生的行业。学习能力,此时尤为重要。2、现在工作一般是以一个团队形式完成。如果没有良好的沟通合作能力,是很难将一件事顺利完成的。3、自我认识能力很重要,它有助于我们定位自己。既不太拔高自己,做自己实在不能完成的事,也不低估自己,浪费自己的才华。
5. 教育机构应该对学生的学习和发展起到怎样的引导作用?都应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
回答: 教育机构应该在大方向上引导学生,让他们有正确的价值观和理念 例如 浙江大学的郑强教授 在新生入学时 一遍又一遍的告诉学生 为什要好好学习?什么是正确的事情?什么是错误的事情 有一个湖南县城农村的孩子 考入浙大 全家只有一个男孩 也只有他一个上大学 结果 玩网络游戏上瘾 最终退学 三个姐姐天天打他 这个男孩的父亲 差点给校长跪下了 但结果不会改变。 如果 他在新生入学时 校长 老师 班主任 给他敲响警钟 告诉他 网络游戏不能沾 有像 郑强教授 这样的老师 告诉他 要为自己立下志向 要好好学习 要珍惜人生中最黄金的四年 那么这个孩子的人生将会改变 他的家庭可能受益于这个男孩 从而改变。
Coincident with unemployment rate of many college students growing is the increasing competition of finding job. Some people think that educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. I do not agree with that opinion.     How to evaluate whether studying a major can lead to the success or not? There is not only one correct answer. One of answer is to only focus on the situation of employment. As long as the salary待遇 of job is good, the choice of major is successful. In fact, the money is an answer. However, one man gets the one million dollars through the intelligence and other man acquires the same money by selling his daughter and son. I think it has a great difference. Another answer is through the effort to get the goal. This is a proceeding of self-realization 自我实现 and people will feel happiness. This is also a kind of success. The study of the writing in GRE is a good example of this answer. Whatever Issue and Argument, I do not know how to write before. But through the website of Langlib, especially the writing platform, I have a large improvement. At least, I have learned what the structure of one Issue is and how to exercise my critical thinking. I think this is just the success.     The educational institution should conduct the students at the big direction and make them have the right value and idea理念, rather than only to pursue the success. For example, one student from the rural of mountain area is asked to quit the university because of addicting in the computer game. If this student is told that the it is harmful to addict in the computer game and he should be sufficient to spend the most golden four years in one life in studying various knowledge in order to make himself more excellent, the future of this student will be changed and his family will be beneficial owing to him.    In the life after the graduation, other knowledge is also useful except the knowledge of major. For example, a Chinese student has breakfast at Subway. Because he is afraid to speak English, it makes him lack of confidence. Therefore, he points the No.1 food in the menu. One month latter, he can not stand to eat the same food for a month. He can not use the fluent流利的 English to select The results mean that the student says goodbye to No, 1 and oral English is important.     If one student can not become the right value, it has some potential problems that one student chooses the major only for "success". Once he can not find the satisfactory job, this choice easily makes his mood out of balance. I know that many students in the college feel some lessons "useless" so that they do not learn these lessons seriously and even do not study at all. Actually, you do not know which lesson is helpful for you at which moment. Just like the mother of Agan 阿甘 said:" you will never know which taste is the next chocolate in the box. “For example, when Steve Jobs was a college student, he learned a lesson about writing. He did not want to make it useless, so he used it in the design of Apple Company. This produced the excellent face of the Apple operate system. The knowledge which the students learn in colleges will be useful in the study and job of the future.     In college, students should positively exercise some abilities to be ready for the success of the future, such as the ability of critical thinking and ability of communicating with other people. If several classmates all attend the exam of GRE, they can become a study team. This team holds a discussion once a week and can identify a topic before this week. The duty of one student is to write down the speech of other students. It is helpful for the Issue and Argument of GRE. The students will improve their abilities through attending many activities like this. All of these prepare for the success of future.      Although it has many disadvantages that educational institutions dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed, it is a common thing that every one wants to acquire the success in the easy field because the pace of life生活节奏 of modern society becomes faster and the stress of life becomes larger. But I do not agree that educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
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