GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wuyiwei
It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere to them. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE35"No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one's beliefs than to adhere to them"。题目可以从两个角度来进行阐述,一是“是否应该坚持信仰”,二是“放弃信仰是否比坚持信仰更糟糕”。观点一定要明确,并且从坚持或放弃信仰的条件,优缺点等角度进行思考。
1. 什么是信仰?你有什么信仰?描述一个自己或者别人的信仰。
回答: 信仰,是指对圣贤的主张、主义、或对神的信服和尊崇、对鬼、妖、魔或天然气象的恐惧,并把它奉为自己的行为准则。我信仰的是自由,平等的观点。
2. 坚持信仰有什么好处?有什么缺点?请分别举例说明。
回答: 坚持自己的信仰,能够让人在面对困难的时候不动摇,有一个持久的动力能够坚持做一件事。比如说缅甸的昂山素季就始终坚持自己的民主平等的观念,即使被缅甸政府长时间的关押,依然坚持着自己的信仰。但是也有一些时候,对一些信仰的坚持会让人非常偏执,不妥协的态度。比如说处女情结的信仰,在中国,很多人坚信娶一个处女能够带来好运。但是随着思想的开放,这样的观点越来越被人所摒弃。
3. 哪些因素会导致人们放弃信仰?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?请分别举例说明。
回答: 外部因素,让人的一些东西改变。比如说一些朝鲜人曾经是朝鲜社会的坚定支持者,但是当他们有机会接触到韩国,日本这样民主发达的社会后,成为了拖北者,这样的放弃了信仰是正确的。比如说,有一些曾经信仰自由民主的人,因为被政府收买,反而成为了政府的支持者,一些科学家为了政府放弃了自己对科学的信仰,对一些工程问题作出错误的判断。
4. 在什么条件下,人们应该坚持信仰?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 为了理想。为了自由民主平等这样的普世价值Mary Curie adhere to her belief; Beethoven; helon Keller Marie Curie's belief-there must be some new matter with the feature of radioactive concealing in the industrial wastes-had enabled her to work arduously and tenaciously, and eventually given birth to the discovery of Radium, which wan Marie Curie the Nobel Prize and meanwhile contributed significantly to the progress of medical science
5. 在什么条件下,人们应该放弃信仰?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 你的目标确实过于理想,无法达到时,should be somewhat realistic, deflect to other goals that are both meaningful and attainable.(energy is limited, life is short, you should do these that is within your reach) You want to be a great artist, while the fact reminds that your talent dose not exist in this fields. The means your goal is beyond your ability no matter hard you try. Consider life is short, at the same time, your extraordinary talent in economy gradually appears. If you are also interested in the economics, it is a good chioce to convert your belief in art to economic fields. conflict with the general value system of the society, or potentially harmful to others' benefits. Hilter should abandon his selfish belief without taking into account the rights of majority of people.
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