GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本次改编自老GRE的ISSUE154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators"。题目讨论教育参与者范围的问题。在分析的过程中,可以从:父母、专业的教育人员在教育过程中分别的优势和不足、教育对二者的需要以及等父母参与到学校教育之后的理由等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家或学校的教育情况,对比分析这些教育中,家长的参与情况以及学生整体表现情况。
回答: 中国:家长大多数把孩子扔给学校 交给老师教育;少数 会拿出自己工作之外的时间 来辅导教育孩子。 美国:学校要求家长 到学校观看由孩子表演的话剧或者舞台剧 家长也会拿出时间为孩子在学校举办一些晚会 这也就会形成良好的沟通 学生在中国的集体表现 与美国相对比 在高中阶段相差不大 但往后越来越大 这里固然有体制上的差异 但家长的适当参与 为在家长 学校 学生 之间的沟通 起到了一个良好的作用 学生有什么诉求可以及时 向学校 家长 反映 良好的沟通 绝对有利于学生的学习和发展。
2. 父母可以通过哪些形式参与到学校教育中?请举例并简述。
回答: 学校要求家长 到学校观看由孩子表演的话剧或者舞台剧 家长也会拿出时间为孩子在学校举办一些晚会 这也就会形成良好的沟通
3. 父母的参与对于教育有哪些帮助和意义?请举例并简述。
回答: 家长的适当参与 为在家长 学校 学生 之间的沟通 起到了一个良好的作用 学生有什么诉求可以及时 向学校 家长 反映 良好的沟通 绝对有利于学生的学习和发展。 比如 家长来学校观看孩子表演的话剧 本身 就是家长对学生行为的一种支持和肯定 孩子如果演得好 家长的鼓励 对孩子的成长有着积极的作用 这是一种自我肯定和他人肯定的结合 孩子会因此更加努力变得更优秀 这种意义才是教育的本质 培养一个更优秀的人。
4. 专业的教育者在进行教育的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 优势:在某一方面的知识储备上 专业的教育者应该高于其他人 而且 经过专业的培训 在传授知识上更有经验和方法 比如一位有经验的老师 既能把很复杂难懂的东西讲的很浅显易懂 有寓教于乐 这就他的本事 不足:即使是非常优秀的专业教育者 在一个班级里 也不可能做到对每一个学生因材施教 因为学生太多了 而上课的时间有限。 比如 老师在传授一些新的方法时 有的马上就能接受 有的听不懂 有的听懂了不愿去做 这就需要老师在课堂上 有针对性地因材施教 实际上 这是不可能的 因为时间有限
5. 将教育仅交给专业的教育者是否存在不足?如果会,有哪些不足?如果不会,请说明理由。
回答: 会 无法因材施教 而且精力有限 无法照顾到每一个孩子的感受。
    Coincidental with how to educate children correctly becoming a question is people focusing on their children's education. I think all parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.    The parents take part in the school education through some way. The school could make the parents watch the play which their children act. And parents take some time to hold a party for children in the school. Both of them can become the good communication.     Furthermore, the participation of the parents has some help and meaning for the education. The suitable participation of the parents play a good role on the communication among the parents, schools and children. Children can communicate with the schools and parents about the idea that what they want. The good communication helps the children study and improve. For example, it is a kind of support and recognition of parents towards the student that the parents come to the school to watch the play acted by students. And if the children act very well, the praise of parents have a positive action for children growing. This is an addition of self-recognize and other-recognize. Because of this, the students become more and more excellent. This meaning is the nature of the education: nature a more excellent person.    However, it has disadvantage to only put the education into the professional educator. Even if the professional educator is very extraordinary, he can not teach every student according to his characters because the number of student is too large, the time is limited and the energy of the teacher is also limited. Such as, when the professional educator teaches a new technique, some students can accept it immediately, some students do not understand this unique and some students understand it but are not willing to do as the new technique. So it needs the professional educator uses the different ways to teach the new technique. Actually it is not impossible because the time of this lesson is only 45 minutes.    Though someone does not think that all parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's school because some parents are busy with their jobs, I think all parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools.
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