GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:于珺之
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious"。题目讨论知识对事物影响的问题,题目给出了一个负作用——越来越多的知识使事情更复杂神秘了。在分析的过程中,可以从知识增长的目的和具体情况、事物变化的具体形式、易于理解和复杂神秘之间的关系、导致这一情况的各种因素、不同领域不同问题的分情况考虑等方面展开思考。你可以通过直接和间接影响、静态和动态区别、个例和整体情况来扩展思路。
1. 请举例并对比:在现在和以前,某一领域中对于某项任务的情况有哪些不同。
回答: for example, landscape architecture in 18th century is simply a visual art of decoration with green natural elements. To possess the feeling of healthy and joyful life in nature, trees, grasses, flowers, water and earth are used to recreate a "natural" healthy environment mainly based on visual comfit. However, as our society getting much more complex and sophisticated, the need of a healthy life is more than putting a few trees or inches of grassland to solve, the needs of sustainable materials to reduce environmental containment, ecological infrastucture that insure low energy expenses and recycling and so on.
2. 获得知识对于理解事物存在哪些帮助?请举例并分析。
回答: 1. understand a issue within a larger context, its relations with other issues, their effects, connections. therefore insure our awareness about the consequences of our action. back to the example about landscape architecture in its development, as in the early age, environmental issue was never a concern in landscape practice, simply because the short of knowledge in ecology. Burn out a field of wild forest on a hillside replaced with grassland and lake is not just a change of scenery but a dramatic damage on the regions' hydrology and soil quality that later may cause landslides on nearby house or villages. 2. to understand the essential means of an issue. by knowing more about a issue, we may be able to understanding the very purpose of taking such action. for example, by studying and knowing more about our universe, astronomers could understand the fundamental process of earth's birth and the to answer the question how does life form existed. these ultimate questions somehow define us and fulfill the mean of our exist.
3. 因为知识的积累,事物变得更加复杂神秘的原因有哪些?(例如:早年生物学只要对动植物进行观察,而随着发展,生物学研究已经深入到DNA、RNA)请举例并简述。
回答: to understanding one issue, or in another word, to answer one question, one should need more information to solve it, however, as we explore and receive more, the more questions we raise than the answers we given. the nature of universe is constructed by a network of complex elements that overlaying and intertwine with each others. one cannot solve one issue without considering the influence from other related factors.
4. 事物变简单和变得复杂神秘是否仅存在简单的对立关系?请分析并简述。
回答: we feel one thing mysterious, simply because the subject involve a board scale and complex structure of information that our brains cannot immediately understanding it easily. However, as for each professionals, by taking time and focus to decompose the subject, one often realize a complex or mysterious issue is consisted by many small simple issues that are easy to understand. the level of complexity or simpleness is never easily to be determent in an absolute binary, but based on the scale of information involved and the ability of interpret it.
5. 事物变得复杂神秘是否就能说明知识的增加没有好处?对事物理解的进步是否要以复杂程度为标准?
回答: One cannot define the benefit of acquiring more knowledge based on how complex the issue has become,simply because the complexity of the issue does not necessary means all knowledge gained are useful and meaningful to understanding it or solving it. the way we feel the of complexity may be caused by involving unrelated information that distract us from understanding it, However, in most cases, the complexity of issue does present an advancement of level in understanding it, the more knowledge we have acquired, the further problems we may have to raise, but also the more previous questions we are be able to answer with.
The speaker believes in the statement that as we acquiring more knowledge, things will become more complex to deal with or harder to understand. I strongly disagree with the speaker's argument because that acceleration of knowledge gain does not necessarily cause complexity and difficulty of comprehension, for the reason that the degree of complexity (or mysterious) varies based on the ability of comprehension. And I believe that as we are acquiring more knowledge, and getting used to deal with more sophisticated issues, our ability of comprehension grows and we are gradually feeling easy of issues that were complex before.
Surely, our society today involves vast amount of information and knowledge more than individuals can handle. Dealing issues may not be as straightforward as it used to be previously simply because more options are available. New knowledge acquired by us soon became our solutions to previous issues that were impossible to solve. For instance, by acquiring method to efficiently transfer energy from heat to mobility, we are be able to develop machines that allow people during industrial age to travel in long distance in much more short duration. A path from England to China may take years to complete, now with mechanic transportation, the duration reduced to months or even hours. The knowledge we gained make things simplified more than create complexity of our society.
Additionally, the feeling of complexity or simplicity is rather an objective term to determine. It varies based on individual’s ability of comprehension (which involves familiars of relevant information and logical analysis of information structure). By giving access to a large amount of knowledge, however, with low ability of comprehension, one may feel it extremely complex to understand. For example, in recent publication of investigation report on Fukushima nuclear planet leak incident, even with simplified interpretations from Japanese media, ordinary people still find it hard to understand the whole story. Expertises, on the other hand, through this investigation, are able to identify the technical problems with in this incident and be able to fix it in the future.
Furthermore, our human brains are adaptive and quick to learn. As we acquiring more and more knowledge and dealing more complex issues, our brain gradually getting use to such circumstances. The issues we felt previously complex and mysterious become clear and simple, since our ability of comprehension increase as we learn. In the case of computer technology development, in the earlier age, when computer were first been innovated, majority people feel it was complex and difficult to use. Only handful professionals around world know how to operate it or understand its design. Today 's computer is more sophisticated and complex then before, but there are more ordinary people who understand the design of computer, its structure and know how to fix it when it is in malfunction. In present day, our high school teaches computer hardware knowledge that was highly professional in just decades ago.
Admittedly, during our acquiring of knowledge, some information may appear irrelevant or distract our focus on comprehension. We may find during learning, more questions raise than the answers we are able to give, the increasing quantities of knowledge and unclearness of their interrelationship often cause feeling of complexity and mysterious. However, professionals know that as we go future deep into study, issues previously thought to be complex and impossible to deal with eventually become easy to understand. As we gain more knowledge, we able to comprehend more complex issues, that things rather become simple than complex and mysiterious.
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