GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:britlovefan
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 录像机、电脑以及网络等科技发明为学校提供了哪些更先进的教学手段?请举例并简述。
回答: Learn on the app store conveiniently
2. 相对于过去,在先进教学手段的辅助下,教师的讲课与学生的学习过程都发生了哪些改变?请举例并简述。
回答: powerpoint instead of blackboard
3. 先进技术用于教学对学生是否存在负面影响?比如:偷懒不记笔记、遇到问题不自己思考而是上网查、借用网络和电脑进行论文抄袭、用电脑不学习而是去浏览网站或玩游戏等。请举例并简述。
回答: Google and plagiarize
4. 对学生造成负面影响的原因是否要归咎于科技提供先进教学手段?哪些原因共同影响着学生不能进行真正的学习?科技在其中起到的是什么作用?
回答: self-control and habits. The environment-- in a library it's more efficient
       Nowadays everyday life is permeated with Iphones Ipads Mp4 and innumerable electrical devices. In the meantime, students learning process has become more and more intriguing and engrossing relying on the high-tech commodities and internet discussing groups.The innovative learning method seems at first quite easy to practice and convenient. But certain negative results still exists from the misuse of the innovations and sometimes the students will be distracted instead of engaging completely in the real learning.       The increasing popularity of Apple products is a problem in teenager's education.Even a five-year-old child owns his Iphone and Ipods even Ipads, let alone those school-age teenagers. But as far as what i'm concerned with what they do with the high-tech devices, rarely does it involved learning, mostly however, game and chatting is the main usage. It should not be blamed on the perfection of Apple's products because the intention to play easily outweighs the urge to study-- it' s human nature. How can you let someone to study and read the science report when there is plenty of interesting little games and new messages popping up from the Facebook box simultaneously? People just can't focus on various information at the same time thus his attention will eventually be dragged into something more effortlessly.         Another reason accounts for the distraction is peers effect. When people around you holding an ipad playing games and chatting, it will be natural for another human being to join in the playing mode. Even the surrounding of people has such an effect, let alone the internet. The internet plays a role of relating us to each other, like a seamless web, connecting us all to the web resource. If the electronic devices distract us from real learning, then the web actually engross us into the fancy game world. It's like an accelerator for the negative results of learning. Twitters and the alike social websites all have app store for phones and even mp4,which means they still are obtainable apart from the common computer. The world from the outside and those juicy news of friends via the internet exerts a big attraction to play over study.        What about the old teaching method? The traditional homework and blackboards with chalk marks,though seems old-fashioned, do ensure the learning efficiency. It may be dull and singularity but the only accessible information for the students is study so that their attention won't be easily distracted. The innovation learning method,on the contrary, provide infinite sources of materials with temptations and inspiration of laziness. Once encountered with unknowns, go to the google. The searching engines is quick but they also hamper students' thinking for his own ability.         However. aside from the difficiencies offered above, the innovation has good points.It offers a wider source of study materials and more flexible methods. If the students are self-controled, then the results of the learning will be positive.          In sum, the technologies all too distract people from concentrating the real studies. Unless students learn to behave well and adhere to the textbooks or they will not be able to suffer the temptation from internet computers and videos. Though helpful to some extent, on most cases the negative side outweighs.       
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