GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:戴帽子的猫
Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE69原题。题目讨论政府限制对科研的作用。给出的观点认为政府限制对科研存在负作用,应当尽可能得少。本题的分析可以从物质需求和非物质追求两个角度展开,同时还可以针对“few, if any”三个词进行论述。
1. 从政府角度,如何判断某件事的是有利还是有害的?哪些事情是政府关注的?
回答: 能促进经济增长、社会安定,并提升国际地位的事情就是有利的。 相反影响经济增长,危害社会安定,削弱国际地位的事情就是有害的。 政府关注人们生活的水平(社会福利,就业率,失业率),社会安定(犯罪率),GDP,科研成果的数量和质量,国防等
2. 从科学研究的角度,其结果会对被政府关注的事物产生什么样的影响?(可以从医学、物理、化学、生物、天文、地理、人文等方面思考)
回答: 医学:医学研究的成果可以促进社会医疗卫生的发展,降低疾病率和死亡率,应用到商品中还可以促进经济增长。 物理研究上的进步可以推动军事的发展:相对论-原子弹,提升了国防力量维护和平,之后核能还作为一种新的替代能源用于经济发展之中。
3. 如果政府对科学研究完全放开不管,给予最大支持,有求必应,会有什么结果?
回答: 有很多新的领域将会得到最大限度的发展,许多关键领域的进步可以推动整个社会的发展:互联网、新能源。 但有些领域也许会因为积累的经验不够丰富,没有找到正确的研究方向,而将经费浪费了。 有的领域如果放开不管并给与最大支持可能会引发新的问题:可能出现克隆人类,引发社会问题;或者生物武器等,对和平造成威胁。 另一方面,政府也给不了。
4. 如果政府对科学研究进行严格限制,谨小慎微,又会有什么后果?
回答: 关键领域的研究速度过慢,影响发展,很有可能会落后于其他国家,使本国的国际竞争力下降。 但是谨慎对待发展,是不会犯错的。克隆人、生化武器等威胁人类及和平的事物就不会出现。
5. 科学研究和发展需要一种怎样的平衡才能算做最健康的发展环境?
回答: 科学研究和发展:发展引导科学,科学促进发展;在政府的支持和适当的限制(限制会引发问题的方面)之下,科学的发展会得到引导,对社会的安定等政府所关心的方面起到促进作用。
Owing to the state-of-art science and burgeoning development, the quality of life becomes significantly more superior than before. However, it becomes a controversial topic debated by people all over the world that whether the governments should restrict the scientific research and development. From my perspective, the development and science research need a guideline. In that sense, I believe that it is necessary for the government to place modest restrictions on science and development. The factors which support my position are as follow.
First of all, part of the responsibility of government is to keep the peace and balance of the society, and to promote economic growth. Regarding those factors as guidelines, the governments are capable of instructing the direction of the scientific research and development. With the guidance of government, the achievements of the research could be used for improving the over all development of a country. One apt example is that, the nuclear research gave life to the nuclear weapons, which earned victory for justice and promoted peace for the entire world. With government's guidance, this tremendous power accomplished its transformation, now it serve as a substitute energy for the fossil fuel. If the governments place modest restrictions and give guidance to the scientific research and development, the achievements from science will be capable of making contribution to the entire society.
Secondly, while painstakingly surpassing the previous records, scientific research is also discovering the bottom line of human ethics and the edge of destruction. If government support any scientific research and development without any restriction, indeed many of the fields will be boosted into a higher level and thus produce many favorable achievements. However, without restriction from the governments, some achievements may turn out to be deleterious. The genetic research, for example, has the potential to conquer some cumbersome disease, however, it has the potential to challenge the ethics and provoke social turmoil by cloning human being. Furthermore, the research and development on nuclear power may result in evolution of nuclear weapons, threatening the peace of the world, if the government had not put and restriction on those research and development. Thus the necessity of government restriction becomes self-evident.
Admittedly, too much restrictions and confines from government will undermine the scientific renovation and discovery, and thus impede the overall development of society. It is not difficult to imagine, what would a nation become, if its government rigidly confine any development and research of science. When the process of scientific development stops, the economy will hardly sustain it self, that nation will become vulnerable to the fierce international situation. Nevertheless, there is still benefit, that the nation's ethics will never be challenged by scientific achievements.
With the guidance and modest restriction of the government, the society will be benefited. And the consequence will be unfavorable if no restrictions had been placed upon scientific research and development. Thus, we can draw the conclusion that regulation and temperate restriction from the government is necessary.
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