TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:RENO
【IBT机经-41】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school.
1. 请结合时代环境,谈谈钱在这个社会的重要作用以及人们的金钱观?
回答: 这个社会里,金钱非常的重要,什么都离不开钱,在经济越来越发达的今天,人们越来越现实,并且越来越重视金钱。比如在我还没有出生的时候,父母们都之凭自己的感觉结婚,而现在大多数年轻人在结婚的时候会考虑对方是不是有钱。
2. 学生参加考试的重要作用是什么呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 检测学习成果,学生在学校很多时候是自由的,家长要是想知道孩子有没有学到东西就只有靠考试,靠考试知晓自己的孩子有没有在学习认真学习。
3. 请结合实际简述,金钱是如何发挥它的激励作用的?
回答: 孩子有了钱就可以做自己想做的事情,比如孩子一直很喜欢玩一个游戏,但是玩那个游戏会需要花钱,而平时父母又不给孩子钱玩那个游戏,孩子如果想玩那个游戏的花就要努力挣钱。
4. 有人说,题目中的方法会增加孩子们学习的功利性,不利于孩子的健康成长,你是否赞同?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 不赞同,我认为给孩子取得高分的奖励会让孩子学会用自己的劳动获取回报,现在有我们国家很多年轻人在成年之后一直都会要父母的资助,因为在他们小的时候,他们就是什么都不用做却依然可以得到很多东西,长大之后就养成了懒惰的习惯,觉得自己从别人那里得到钱理所当然,并不需要付出什么。
5. 除了金钱的奖励方法,你认为还有哪些方法能够有效地奖励孩子们在学校的优异表现?请结合实际简述。
回答: 带孩子出去玩,或者运动,现在的孩子很多都忙于学习,甚至都没有时间去运动,但是运动其实是一个非常好的娱乐项目,带孩子出去玩即能够让孩子轻松又能给孩子锻炼身体。
In 21th century,money has been very important in peoples' daily life,nothing can't be done without money,and people become more realistic,and value money much more than before.I know before I was born,my parents got married depended on their love,however,now,majority young people will consider their mate is rich or not.

Students are necessary to take test.normally,students are free in school,test is the only way that parents can know their children are hardworking on study.
And I think children can do money thing that they want with the money they earned via exam.For example my cousin Cao Song,is a 10 years old boy,he always wants to play one kind of computer game which will need to pay at least 10 dollars once.So if he wants to play the game,he must study hard to get higher grade so that he can get the money paid to play the computer game.
不赞同,我认为给孩子取得高分的奖励会让孩子学会用自己的劳动获取回报,现在有我们国家很多年轻人在成年之后一直都会要父母的资助,因为在他们小的时候, 他们就是什么都不用做却依然可以得到很多东西,长大之后就养成了懒惰的习惯,觉得自己从别人那里得到钱理所当然,并不需要付出什么。
Some people say that award children for their high grade will cultivate their realism,however,I disagree with it.I think give children some reward will be helpful to make children know it is important to earn money by themselves.Now in my country china,money young people ask their parents for financial support even after they graduate from college,because in their childhood,they can get everything without doing anything,so they have an view that they get everything from others naturally,they don't need sacrifice anything.
Although I agree awarding children by their high grade,I think parents should not merely regard money as the unique reward.Parents can take children out of city,to the zoo,or to go to sports.Take me as an example,when I was around 10 years old,I very like my grandfather take me to the park to paddle a boat,and if my parents guaranteed taking me to paddle a boat if I got a high score,I must be hardworking at some children may spent too much time in class or siting before a computer,And taking children to sports or visiting some park is so nice to make they have some relax.
In a sum,I think it is good for parents to award child for their high grade,but I think money can't be the unique reward.

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