GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.
1. 描述一个领导人向公众封锁消息的例子,并阐述这次封锁消息的行为带来了什么好处,或者有什么弊端?
回答: 肯尼迪遇刺的真相到现在也没有公布 带来的好处是可能是保护肯尼迪家族不会受到更大创伤吧 弊端是人们不了解真相,不知道事情到底是怎么养的
2. 政治领导人为什么要向公众封锁消息?请举例说明。
回答: 因为各种错综复杂的关系吧。例如肯尼迪遇刺事件中,真像至今没有被公布可能是因为整个事件中涉及的错综复杂的各种利益关系。
3. 公众是否拥有了解所有信息的权力?请从法律的角度来举例说明。
回答: 法律上公众拥有了解所有信息的权力,好像是有知情权吧
4. 政治领导人的角色和责任与普通大众有什么不同?公众是否需要了解所有信息?如果不需要,哪些信息对于公众来说是可以被领导人封锁的?请举例说明。
回答: 政治领导人要考虑的是整个国家的利益。有时候公众了解所有信息反而会对国家不利。也许肯尼迪遇刺事件的真像会导致整个国家的恐慌。
5. 领导人对公众封锁信息会给社会发展、稳定等带来什么好处?带来什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 适当的封锁消息可能会促进社会的发展,带来社会的稳定。 弊端是如果封锁消息过度的话会损害公众的利益。如果隐瞒遇刺事件的真像只是为了保护个别人的话,这种行为就损害了大众的利益。
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, some people may approve that it is necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. I endorse to this conclusion. Maybe there are too many information that we ordinary people shouldn't know, such as nuclear technology, national defense information. But the political leaders need to deliberate before withholding information.
First of all, it is necessary for political leaders to withhold information sometimes. Actually, political leader depart from our ordinary people practice of talking about something. They gives priority to the whole country. So they have many secrets about the county that our ordinary people shouldn't know. For instance, political leader should withhold information about national defense. That national defense information become widely publicized is of obvious advantage, as if there is a war, the enemy will attack our country easily. Political leaders should also withhold nuclear technology. The country may use the nuclear technology to generate electricity or product weapon. If the enemy is well know about our country's nuclear weapon information. Our country will be very dangerous, because it expose to the enemy's gunfire. They know the location of the weapon and the type of the weapon, then they can take care our weapon and attack our country easily. Furthermore, if the situation is uncertain, political leader have to withhold information, too. Political leader should be protected from panic to avoid a great loss. People are liable to panic because of bad information, such as disease and wars. Seen from political leader, it is easy to realize that he has to hold back information to guarantee the stability of the country. Therefore political leader should withhold information from the public sometimes.
However, the political leader cannot always withhold information from the public. Public has a right to know something, such as the policy of education, the policy of tax, the policy of residence, and the policy of price. To protect the right to know, political leader should distinguish appropriately which information he should withhold. If the government withhold information irrelevantly, it may bring more loss. One good example of why political leader should not always withhold information is in the medical field. A great number of people lost their lives because of the disease-SARS. In fact, Chinese government discovered the disease long ago, but they were never able to solve the problem. They withheld the information first. So people didn't know the dangerous disease, and they didn't pursue several courses of protect actions, like taking a respirator to staying away from SARS virus. As a consequence,it seemed to world that SARS took a heavy toll of human life. It turns out that the reason why SARS was so serious is that the political leader withhold information irrelevantly. This is an excellent example of political leader should not always withhold information.Without withholding, the security of country cannot be ensured. Without information, the security of people cannot be ensured. So political leader should deliberate before making the choice. 
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