GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1. 对于社会和国家来说,教育的目标是什么(你所定义的目标不同,“有用”的概念就不同)?这个目标的制定需要考虑哪些因素?个人的需求和兴趣是否在这些因素之内?请举例说明。
回答: 教育目标通常包含两种释义:即既包括抽象概括的目标(目的),又包括具体个别的有操作性、层资助性与可测性特点,它指的是“教师所预期的学生的变化的”指标体系;在某种意义上,教育目标可以为师生培养目标起到提供工具、启示方法和指示步骤的作用。 需要考虑学生的状态,教育资源的状态,资金的情况等。 个人的需求和兴趣要考虑在内 比如如果没有足够的资金那么要实现电脑立体教学还是有困难的,各种化学物理的实验。 比如体育,绘画,音乐等课。
2. 你希望通过教育得到什么?其他人的想法和你的是否一致?如果不一致,教育如何才能满足大众的需求?请举例说明。
回答: 我希望通过教育得到足够的计算机专业知识,数学知识 一般是不同的,比如有人喜欢吉他音乐等,他们就希望得到更多的关于音乐方面的课 而有的人喜欢体育,他们则希望得到更多的体育方面的课程。
3. 教育按照对象不同可以分为哪些类别?这些类别的教育目标是否相同?如果不是,他们是否都需要考虑每一个学生的个人需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 小学教育,中学教育,大学教育 小学教育侧重于启蒙教育,中学教学培养学生的思维能力,大学教育培养学生的思想能力。 要考虑个人的需求与兴趣,但是不能考虑每个人需求和兴趣,因为人力和物理没有这种条件。
4. 教育按照不同的形式可以分为哪些类别?不同形式的教育是否都需要考虑每个学生的需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 职业教育,本科教育,研究生教育,博士教育等 不能考虑每一个学生的需求和兴趣,因为没有那么多的教师资源和财力资源。
5. 如果教育按照每个人的需求和兴趣来制定有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是可以因材施教 弊端是资金需求非常大。
It is impossible for education to be designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student now. And education will be still effective when it meet a appropriate standard usually made by country.
First of all, it is no wonder that individual needs and interests of student play an important role in their process of growing up. Individual needs and interests, in the full sense of the word, are the best teacher in the world. Individual needs and interests catalyze motive power of students. And they are motive resource whereby students can enjoy the relatively happiness from their improvement. Mourinho present a relevant case for this viewpoint. Mourinho was a physical teacher in university. But he was powerfully drawn to football and decided to become a football coach. He was a assistant coaches at first. He seek through various means to study football theory from chief coach. At last, he became a chief coach and help his team became the champion of Europe. This is an excellent example of how important individual needs and interests are.
However, it is impossible for education to be designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each students. The reasons come in a variety of factors, ranging from financial capability to material resources and teacher resources. It is no wonder that country can't offer so many teachers, classrooms and money to design education to meet everyone's interests. For example, interests of my classmates come in a variety regions, ranging from music to sports to math and literature. Even interests of ones who like sports come in a variety regions, ranging from football to basketball to ping-pang and just running. This require a huge surplus of professional teachers that country can't completely offer. This is an excellent example of why it is difficult to meet everyone's interests.
In fact, to maintain an effective education, it is enough for the education system to meet the common interests of students. American education present an appropriate case for this viewpoint. Clear divisions are usually made among different stages of education. Subjects in elementary school involve literature and math as well science and music. These subjects can meet almost every student. Then, subjects in university are more than elementary in oder to meet different interests of students. However, because university can't offer enough teachers to meet interests of every students, the classroom become bigger and classmates become more in one subject. Students can fulfill their university study because they already have the ability to study themselves. Education system like that of the United States come into wide use all over the world, which demonstrate that this education system was accepted by people.
Therefore, there is no need for education to meet every student's individual needs and interests. An appropriate education which can satisfy most students is enough. 
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