GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: 苹果公司在乔布斯离开之后就显得活力不足,原因是当时电脑业界普遍萧条,以及苹果高层对局势判断的失误,导致定位错误。这些原因与当时的苹果CEO约翰斯库里有关系。
2. 导致事业失去活力的原因有哪些?哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 对未来局势的判断失误,没有明确的目标,对自己的工作的厌恶等。对未来局势判断的失误导致出现陷入各种困难,这是领导者的失误。
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是可能会带来新的想法,新的创新等。比如乔布斯回苹果的时候推出了IMac,因为采用创新的外壳彩色透明设计,iMac销量很好,并使苹果电脑度过财政危机。 弊端是,可能做出错误的决定。例如苹果前CEO约翰斯库里将乔布斯赶出了苹果。
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?是否能因为企业失去了活力就让他/她下台?请举例说明。
回答: 应该从领导者自身的能力,观点是否创新,是否有足够的控制力和对时局的把握力。不能,应该分析原因。例如乔布斯离开苹果的时候,当时的电脑业界普遍萧条。并不是乔布斯的原因。
5. 要让事业充满活力,可以有哪些手段和方法?请举例说明。
回答: 确立明确的目标,给员工们足够的奖励措施。鼓励员工的创新,给员工创作舒适的工作环境等。
WORDS: 487          TIME: 00:52:53          DATE: 2/17/2011 8:24:22 PM
Those in power should step down after a certain period. This measure can prevente leadership to use their power arbitrarily. However, prosperity not only relate with leadership, but also come from other factors, such as workers, institutions and environment.
First of all, it is no wonder that leadership should step down after a certain period. If power is sized by one person too long, the efficiency of power may decline because of abusing power. The Ching Dynasty existed between 16 century and 19 century in China presents a relative case for analysis. In the beginning of this dynasty, it had a powerful economy system and advanced technology. But leader in the Ching Dynasty would not step down until they died or they gave up their power. In this situation, leader used to abuse their power to maintain their dynasty. The country lost its vitality because of its leader. In the end, the Ching Dynasty not only lost its economy and advanced technology, but also lost itself as well. To the contrary, the United States has a more demoncracy politics. Its leader can keep power no more than 10 years. In this way, the United States not only do not have phenomenon of abusing power but also always has its vigor. Now, it has been already the most powerful country in the world. These are only two examples of why leader should give up power after a certain period.//滥用权力和国家的衰落之间,缺少一些过度。比如,领导人滥用权力,为了自己的私欲,没有用心为集体服务,导致人们的不满,社会的不稳定,然后是丧失活力。
However, enterprise may lose its vigor because of other reasons. Vitality of profession comes in a variety of factors, ranging from leader to worker to institution and environment. Different reason correspond to different measure to revitalize. Thus, leader's change may be not effective. A good example of this viewpoint is Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is a computer company and had its prosperousness in the beginning. But it lost its vitality in 1980's. Altough its leader Jobs left Apple Inc. because of decline of profit. But new leadership did not changed the decrease of Apple Inc. Because the real reaon of Apple's decline was the decadence of computer environment. Thus, leader's change did not solve the problem of Apple. Therefore, right measures should be imposed to solve the problem of decline of enterprise. 
Another example of other measures to revitalise involves IBM. IBM is one of the most advanced computer companies in the world. But it lost its vigor in 1980's and the reason was its traditional work mode. Workers could not feel happy in IBM because of pressure. IBM did not change its leader, and it was the old leader that imposed a change in work institution to help solve the decline of IBM's vitality. The revitalization of IBM proved the correctness of the leader's decision . These are two examples of how to find vigor of enterprise.
Admittedly, step down of leader can prevent abusing of power. However, right measure corresponded to different reasons should be imposed to help find vitality of profession.
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