GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王佳婧
Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial.
1. 描述一个结果有争议的研究,这个研究有什么价值?其结果为什么有争议?
回答: 克隆技术 克隆人帮助人们完成危险地事情 克隆稀有动物防止濒危物种的灭绝 克隆技术的过程违反了人类的道德, 其过程杀死了人类的胚胎及其有可能会导致负面的结果
2. 如果把钱投在研究上,你会考虑哪些因素来做出你的决定?请举例说明。
回答: 研究的结果是否有用,其带来的利是否会大于弊,弊处有哪些 研究是否可行,还是仅仅是空想 是否有足够的资源支持研究
3. 什么样的研究可能出现有争议的结果?这样的研究是否投入资金?为什么?
回答: 违反人类道德规范,或是危及其他生物体的生存 投入资金要衡量其利与弊, 如果利大于弊,是可以投入资金的,何况结果是否成功都是未知,也许在研究过程中,会发现新的想法
4. 与其他投资(比如商业投资,文化教育投资)相比,投资于研究效果具有什么样的特殊性?请举例说明。
回答: 研究有助于人类的发展和探究新的事物,而商业投资或者文化教育投资只是在现有的发展水平上时人们的生活更加舒适,并不存在突破或者创新。例如对月球的探索,寻找另一个适合人类居住地环境,给人们更多的机会开发自然资源,这些资源一般都是不可再生的
5. 投资研究可能存在什么问题而导致投资失败?请举例说明。
回答: 研究的不可行性 例如探索月球,要受到技术的支持,在人类登入月球的过程中,是有危险的
 In the era of rapid social and technological change leading to more people are curious about the new things, a great number of research are taken into account and we spend a lot of money on it. Whether the money spend on research is valuable, even the results are controversial, the invester should take into account both the negative and positive of the research.
Admittedly, most of the controversial researches are offered some original ideas, and exploring the unknown world play an important role in satistying our appetite for knowledge. Rather than spending money on pursing luxurious life and money, the meaing of doing some reseaches is consipicuous. After all, exploring new things and seeking the way to sovle the problem arrouding us could acceerate the development of the society. For example, a recent report shows that the  ratio of cost in aeronautical business is higer. In the past five years, the average ration of the cost in areonuatical business is 20%, and the recent report indicate that the average ration is 38%. The increasing in cost is almost twince as much as that of five years ago. Athough some research really have some disputs, the reseach also make us better to understand the environment of us and the result of the report shows that most of the people enjoy seeking something new. For exmaple, the research of seeking the extraterrestrial, even though some people think that the existing of the extraterretrial is quixotic, a lot of the derivative ideas to be considered in the process of seeking the extraterrestrial, such us whether exist another planet for human to live, and if it does, the problem of  rare land resource will be solved.
However, even though research has its own value, there are also some negative effects. For instance, the one of the purposes of the human cloning is to help the people do something superior to their abilities, but it is not morally and ethically to human cloning, due to he killing of human embryos, the unsafe process of cloning, and the resulting consequences of having deformed clones. An ethical issue of great importance on cloning is what will be the consequences of it if it was actually successful. Comparing to the value of human cloning, the consequence of devalue human life is more severe. And thus, if we spend a lot of money on human cloning, it's a challenge to against our moral and ethic, which is the basis value of human being. Even it contrubute to making the life convenient, it will not to accepted by the people. So, the research seems not to be a good investment.
Whether the research is a good investment, it depends on the possibiliy of its positive and negative effects . Every research has both of its advantage and disadvantages, considering the leading factors of the result is the most important. In addition, unless assess the feasible of the research, the perspect of the reseach is vagu, it is just likely that spending money on the reseach is waste of the money of tax payer. Instead of taking cost on the reseach directly, we should call for a balance before do some decisions.
In sum,
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